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The ethical and moral issues that many businesses face today, have many of the same issues. What is or is not acceptable from one person to the next varies. Depending on ones own belief system. However, both ethic and morals of high standings are important to the success of and for any business. Geed and self preservation is certainly a few issues that are faced in today's business. It is hard to be a whistle blower when it can and often does have an negative reaction. With the Enron scandal, this is a prime example of the moral and ethical issues that many large corporations and some smaller ones face. The company leveraged itself through debt. The stock fell and this affected the entire company even employees who were not aware of this, this was caused by being deceived.

And where social responsibility lies, has an obligation to act accordingly so as to benefit the society as a whole. It is the duty of every individual as well as organizations to act in a manner that will have a positive holding in all they do. It is doing what is right and not wrong, even if it means losing a bit of revenue.

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basicly the moral issues are when indians have there period and curry come out there vaginas

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Q: What are the current ethical and moral issues facing today?
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