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Sathyagraha is a method of passive struggle of non-violence which has been in existence for long in many countries in different names. Mahatma Gandhi of India adopted and developed this as an effective weapon and used it against the British Rule in South Africa and India. The word means Devoted to Truth. The Sathyagrahis would sit silent on the floor in front of the premises of the authorities, often fasting, till their demands are met. The British often yielded to this type of political struggle, not always. Sometimes Sathyagrahas ended up in aggressive police action and the Sathyagrahis, in jail. And there is the modern-day instance of Irish Republican Army members entering on Relay Sathyagraha in the Maize prison demanding humane conditions in British prisons, and after a Fasting Sathyagraha of 55 days seven of them including their leader, the poet Boby Sands, succumbing to death. Sathyagraha is a precariously efficient weapon to be used only by strictly disciplinarian leaders of political and social struggles.

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11y ago

Satyagraha is the idea that Gandhi suggested. It meant people should fight in a non violent way to get truth and a better society.It obviously involved a lot of hard work and trying to persuade those who were ding things wrong of how it was wrong.

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