In ancient times, people were more gullible and could easily be convinced even by modern parlour magic that they had witnessed a miracle. And if a miracle were merely reported to them, anecdotally, by a supposed eyewitness or even in a letter or book, many would believe.
At the end of the second century, the resurrection of the dead was very far from being esteemed an uncommon event, frequently performed on necessary occasions, by great fasting and the joint supplication of the church of the place, and the persons thus restored lived afterwards amongst them many years. Only a few people challenged this message. A noble Grecian promised Theophilus, bishop of Antioch, that, if he could be gratified with the sight of a single person who had been actually raised from the dead, he would immediately embrace the Christian religion. It is somewhat remarkable that the prelate of the first eastern church, however anxious for the conversion of his friend, thought proper to decline this fair and reasonable challenge.
Today, most people are less easily convinced by anything as improbable as a miracle, and thus it is often said that the age of miracles has passed. Communications are enormously better and it is easy to obtain confirmation of a supposed miracle, if indeed it happened. So, modern miracles are usually limited to weeping statues or to intended saints of the Catholic Church curing two people of cancer.
Believing in miracles simply means believing what God says in His word. If a person believes God's word and His witness about what happened they already have faith. They will also realize that God is in charge and that miracles do not have to happen when we want but they will happen when God wants.
false prophets
what are the challenges of equal employment
Miracles have become important because * of high competition * delay in getting things eg. justice etc * Stress is so high that miracles alone can give relief
security of data and possibility of fraud are the two main challenges e-commerce today
Well I'm assuming gas is one of the economical challenges? "Us" face today! :)
From Jesus no miracles occurred because of the people of Nazareth not believing Jesus was the sent One from God. There was one miracle in Nazareth however and that was when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived Jesus in her womb (Luke 1:35).
Bernadette was responsible for many, many miracles and they continue even today. However, the Church must investigate and verify a number of miracles (today I believe it is two) before a person can be beatified and canonized a saint. Rather than listing the miracles here that were accepted by the Church in the cause of St. Bernadette I have inserted a link below that describes her complete canonization process and gives vivid accounts of the miracles that supported her cause.
But the world has kept on turning are their miracles today!
A:The assumption is that people have ever been able to perform miracles. Generally, the mainstream Christian religions assume that living persons do not now perform miracles. However, an important custom in the Catholic Church is the acknowledgement of posthumous miracles supposedly performed by saints, or at least performed as a result of their intercession. Reports of such miracles are constantly being reported, especially for candidates for canonisation.