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Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.

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Wilfredo Romaguera

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1y ago
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the smaller the better

Lao Tzu said: Running a large country is like frying a small fish... the less you poke it the better.

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6y ago

the confusianismists believe in a strong government, the tao believe in a weak one

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8y ago

Confucianusm supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government

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Q: What are the beliefs of Confucianism Taoism as they relate to the government?
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What are the beliefs of Confucianism to Taoism as they relate to government?

Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.


Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.

What are the beliefs of Confucianisms and Taoism as they relate the government?

Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.

What are beliefs of Confucian and Taoism as they relate to the government?

Confucianism supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government.

What r the beliefs of Confucianism and taoism as they relate to government?

They do not relate to any government. They are philosophical ideas dealing with spiritual growth and a religion and government is secular in nature.

What are the beliefs and Taoism as they relate to the government?

Confucianusm supports a strong government; Taoism supports a weak government

How do Taoism and Confucianism complement each other?

No. Confucianism focuses on the respecting of elders and obeying of those who are of higher importance to one. Taoism is based off of the theory of negative and positive qi, and how to channel it. They relate to each other very little.

How did empress Wu zetians's reign relate to the ideals and teachings of Confucianism?

APEX: Confucianism taught that women were below men, so Wu Zetian's reign was an exception to Confucianism.

How did empress Wu zetians reign relate to the ideals and teachings of Confucianism?

Confucianism taught that women were below men, so Wu Zetian's reign was an exception to Confucianism.

What are some characteristics of Confucianism?

Filial piety and loyalty are some characteristics, but the main idea of Confucianism is the five bonds. The five bonds also relate to family ties.

Who is the god of confucinism?

Confucious is the anglisized version of the Chinese name Kung-fu-tzu. Although there is no actual god in this philosophical system he and other major contributers are revered and venerated. This is a common practice in many Asian societies and is often confused by westerners as a form of worship--ancestors are often venerated in the home with alters, offerings, and other rituals. The Chinese people typically adhere to three belief systems: Confucianism,Taoism, and Buddhism. Taoism and Buddhism relate more to the supernatural realm (religious), whereas Confucianism deals primarily with social order and propriety (e.g., how one treats his/her father). The direct answer is that there is no god of Confucianism per se, just a founder whose writtings have influenced China for thousands of years.

What are some key characteristics of Confucianism?

Filial piety and loyalty are some characteristics, but the main idea of Confucianism is the five bonds. The five bonds also relate to family ties.