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Jesus was between 30-33 years old.

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Q: What age was Jesus when he walked on water?
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What are the names of two people who walked on water?

In Christianity, Jesus Christ is said to have walked on water in the Bible. In Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad is also believed to have walked on water.

Who walked on water besides Jesus?

Jesus had to persuade Peter to walk on water with him, but Peter was afraid and began to sink but Jesus helped him not.

What do the allusion Walk on Water come from?

It comes from the bible when Jesus walked on water.

When Jesus walked on water what small town of the Arkansas river was it?

No it was not that river, he walked on the river Galilee.

What does the allusion Walk on Water mean?

I believe it is to do something impossible, like how Jesus had walked on water.

Who else walked on water with Jesus?

According to the Bible, Peter also walked on water with Jesus. When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water, he asked Jesus to call him out of the boat, and for a moment he too was able to walk on the water before beginning to sink.

Could Jesus run on water?

Yes. He walked on water in the middle of a storm, and if He had wanted to run, He could have.

Can someone walk on water?

No human has ever walked on water besides Jesus Christ, and he was God in the form of a man.

Who invented walking on water?

Jesus Christ is the only person who walked on water and did not require rubber, inflatable shoes to stay afloat. Don't try and do what Jesus did, unless you are a very good swimmer!

How did Jesus get to the Jordan River?

Jesus walked.

What happened when peter took his eyes off of jesus?

First Peter walked without fear on the water, but when he looked at the waves instead of Jesus ,he started to sink.

Where did Peter walk on water?

Peter walked on water in the Sea of Galilee. Saint Peter was afraid at first but was encouraged by Jesus Christ to not have fear.