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Not as such for the word Hell is a place. However there was a battle between Lucifer (Satan) and his followers with God the father. Lucifer lost the battle and he and his followers were cast out of heaven to a place refered to as Hell or Outer darkness.

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Q: Was there ever a battle between heaven and hell?
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I don't think so. 2012 has been and gone and there has been no news of a battle.

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I think its like purgatory; between heaven and hell where people get judged

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Who really won the battle between heaven and hell?

Jesus was the perfect and willing sacrifice for our sins past, present, and future. He thus conquered death, so that all who believe in Him might receive everlasting life in heaven. The final decisive spiritual battle has yest to be fought, but heaven will win because God who dwells in heaven is almighty and thus unbeatable.

When was To Heaven from Hell created?

To Heaven from Hell was created in 1997.

Can you fall in love with somone in heaven or hell?

You can in heaven but not in hell

What is the origin of the word right meaning correct?

It used to be thought evil, or wrong, to be left handed. If you ever see a picture of the road to heaven and the road to hell, heaven is almost always on the right, and hell on the left.

Do christains believe in heaven and hell?

Yes, Christians believe in heaven and hell.