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It's actually a rather difficult question to answer as iron can be forged in a number of different ways, each giving a different hardness. I've attached a link to a site giving different hardness values for some treatments of grey iron.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Hardness is measured in three types viz., Moh's hardness, Brinnel hardness and Vicker' hardness.

Hardness of Iron is,

1) Moh's Hardness-4,

2) Brinnel Hardness-490 Mpa,

3) Vicker's Hardness-608 Mpa

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Q: The hardness of iron
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The mineral would have a hardness between 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. This suggests that it is harder than glass (hardness of 5.5) but softer than an iron nail (hardness of around 5.5 to 6).

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It would have to be 5.0 because glass has a hardness of 5.5 and an iron nail has the hardness of 4.5

What does a mineral have if it is scratches by glass but scratches an iron nail?

It would have to be 5.0 because glass has a hardness of 5.5 and an iron nail has the hardness of 4.5

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The mineral would have a hardness between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale. It cannot scratch glass (hardness of about 5.5) but can scratch an iron nail (hardness of about 4). This places it in the range of minerals like orthoclase feldspar or apatite.

What the hardness of iron?

It depends on the deposit. What deposit are you talking about? What measure of hardness are you after? e.g. UCS, Moh's Hardness Scale e.t.c. On moh it is 4 Brinnel hardness it is 490

What is iron hardness?

Pure iron is relatively soft and easily worked (malleable). Iron heated to high temperatures and alloyed with carbon and other elements is called steel, which can be made extremely hard and durable, but not easily worked.

What is the relationship between hardness and brittleness for iron?

the hardness of iron decreases with increase in brittleness in general..however when the temp is increased, the elasticity increases and the brittleness reduces, it continues to show the increasing trend in hardness until a transition temperature, after which the hardness starts decreasing again.