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maintain a positive public image

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Q: Professional associations enforce ethical standards mainly to do what?
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How to establish a system to monitor audit and enforce ethical standards?

establishing systems to monitor, audit and enforce ethical standards ?

Do veterinary have legal and ethical behavior?

Yes. Veterinarians must abide by laws that govern veterinary practice. They must also adhere to moral and ethical standards that are created by professional associations as well as their own personal moral and ethical standards.

How could government enforce ethical standards of scientific experiments?

the government could take away research funds if ethical standards are not met

How could the government enforce ethical standards of scientific experiment?

the government could take away research funds if ethical standards are not met

How could the government enforce ethical of scientific experiments?

the government could take away research funds if ethical standards are not met

One factor causing businesses to vigorously enforce ethical standards is the?

fear of neagative publicity

Which term means to conform to professional standards of conduct?


How did the government enforce ethical standards of scientific experiments?

If the government wished to enforce ethical standards for scientific experiments, they could appoint some person or agency to review all scientific publications, in search of experiments which seem to be unethical, which could then be investigated further and, if actual ethical violations are found, prosecuted under whatever legislation was passed to create ethical standards (or possibly under existing laws about cruelty to animals).

One factor causing businesses to vigorously enforce ethical standards is?

the desire to eliminate employee turnover

How could the government enforce ethical standards of scientific exeriments?

If the government wished to enforce ethical standards for scientific experiments, they could appoint some person or agency to review all scientific publications, in search of experiments which seem to be unethical, which could then be investigated further and, if actual ethical violations are found, prosecuted under whatever legislation was passed to create ethical standards (or possibly under existing laws about cruelty to animals).

Ethical standards that apply to the medical profession are set by what entity?

professional organization

What is professional honesty?

Professional honesty refers to being truthful, transparent, and ethical in all professional interactions and engagements. It involves maintaining integrity, trustworthiness, and reliability in one's work, while upholding moral and ethical standards in the workplace.