Timati's birth name is Timur Ildarovich Yunusov.
Timati (Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) is 33 years old (born August 15, 1983).
Timati was born on August 15, 1983, in Moscow, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia].
Timati is a Russian rapper, singer- songwriter, record producer actor and entrepreneur. His singles include Groove On, welcome to St.Tropez, I'm on you, Not all about the money and so on.
Rapper Timati is the best check em out.
Timati is one of the best and most popular rap artists in Russia. He is an actor, a business man, and a Pop/RnB singer also. He has several songs in English which include and "Grove On (feat. Snoop Dogg." He has won several awards, and currently lives in Moscow, Russia.
The song is called "В клубе" in Russian ("v klube" in english.) The name of the song means "In the club"
yess she is a Muslim
of course he is a Muslim
yess she is a Muslim
since his name is a muslim name, i think he is muslim.
a Muslim man can have a baby with a non Muslim but a Muslim woman can't have a baby with a non Muslim