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according to Quran, it surely is...

and i personally think that our lives here would be somehow pointless without an afterlife, and without a fair afterlife, the justice of God would be questioned

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16y ago
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11y ago

Spiritual rebirth, yes.. but not physically.. u r reborn in God, Jesus. 2 b reborn u have 2 leave everything behind and start believing in Jesus..

I hope this helped.. XD

I have a qoustion for the person who answered this

why do i have to believe in Jesus

to me

there are no rebirth and ALLAH is the only god, Mohammed is his Prophet and we are his followers

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13y ago

Rebirth(It is the atma changing body with erased memories of past life) happens only depending on your "KARMA", Which is Hindu belief but if you know Vedas then you will agree that it is SANATAN i.e is world religion and we all have been originated from same source & colors difference is just due to climatic conditions.

Some religions believe in rebirth others do not. There is no proof either way.

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11y ago

There are some people that believe in life after death that once you die you are reincarnated into a new life based on your previous life. They believe that the previous good or bad in the basis for the next life.

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Yes, there is no doubt that there is rebirth after death. We must contemplate death. What is death? The body dies, every body has to die. But what happens to the one who was alive? Don't we say that the person moved on, departed, passed away? If that person did not move out of the body, we would not cremate the body. But we are sure this is not the person, this is just the dead body. Where did the person go? On one side we see people going, on the other side we see people coming. So where are the people coming from? Why are some people born blissful, some born miserable? There must be some reason. This is not some joke, some game of luck. There is a connection between death and birth just like there is a connection between sunset and sunrise. A new sun doesn't rise everyday, it is the same sun. We have no doubt about it. So is rebirth.

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14y ago

that generally depends on ones own beliefs.

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