It is not clear whether her father is Jewish or not. Her mother is not Jewish.
Sienna Miller's birth name is Sienna Rose Miller.
Sienna Miller is a/an Actress
Sienna Miller was born on December 28, 1981
Sienna Miller has 1 child
Yes, Sienna Miller has 1 kids
Yes, Sienna Miller has 1 kids
Sienna Miller has 1 child
Sienna Miller was born on December 28, 1981
Sienna Miller was born on December 28, 1981.
Sienna Miller Alfie was born on December twenty-eighth in the year of 1981. Sienna Miller Alfie is most famous for her work as an actor, as well as a model and a designer.
One can view Sienna Miller photos on her website. One can also view photos of Sienna Miller at various websites which feature photos of celebrities and entertainers.
Sienna Miller Alfie was born on December twenty-eighth in the year of 1981. Sienna Miller Alfie is most famous for her work as an actor, as well as a model and a designer.