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Perseus was the son of Zeus.

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Q: Is Persus a son of Posiden?
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Who is persus mothers?

Perseus was the son of Danae, who was the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos.

Is Posiden the son of Cronus or Gaia?

Poseidon is the son of Cronus and Rhea. Who are children of Gaia.

3 Why did Odysseus not able to return to Ithaca after they destroyed the city of Troy?

Because of what he said to Posiden and what he did to his son, so pretty much in layman's terms, he told off Posiden and then later ended up blinding the cyclopes, whom happend to be Posiden's son.

Will the son of Neptune be in Percy's point of view?

Yeah, because the title is The Son of Neptune aka son of Posiden who else could it be?

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Tyson Son of posiden ( the greek god of the sea ) and a water

What is a role of Percy in the novel the lightining thief?

Percy is the son of posiden and is one of the main characters

Why is posiden dangorus?

Posiden is the God of the Sea. Which means water. He also is the son of Kronos, who was the Titan lord in the Golden age. But, so is Hades and Zues. So he can kill you with water, plus he is immortal.

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Write an essay on how Perseus and Percy-Us are alike and different?

Percy is posiden`s son and he is of this time but perceus zuses son was back in who knows when alot of a difference

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A cyclops that is the son of Poseidon. He curses Odysseus.