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History of Raghuvanshi's in M.P -

Raghuvanshi's in M.P are the Rajput's who migrated from U.P Awadh area.

During Muslim reign, there were religious conversions going on (i.e around some 500 years back). The Raghuvanshi's in awadh were defeated by muslims.

In order to avaoid conversion, they left their jagirs and migrated to M.P. and opted farming as their occupation.

Some rajputs got converted to muslim religion. You can Google muslim rajputs.

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History of Raghuvanshi's in M.P - Raghuvanshi's in M.P are the Rajput's who migrated from U.P Awadh area. During Muslim reign, there were religious conversions going on (i.e around some 500 years back). The Raghuvanshi's in awadh were defeated by muslims. In order to avaoid conversion, they left their jagirs and migrated to M.P. and opted farming as their occupation. Some rajputs got converted to muslim religion. You can google muslim rajputs.

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