Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
The only way for anyone to receive salvation from God for sins is through Jesus Christ and repentance, and forgiving those who have sinned against us. That is if the person wants real forgiveness.
As a sign of forgiveness for their sins. Other religions besides Catholicism also receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion.
Yes. Colossians 1:13 He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe into the kingdom of his dear Son, Coossiansl 1:14 by whom we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven. Act 2:38 Peter said to them, "Each one of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit.
Salvation and being a disciple of Jesus are usually intertwined because once you receive the free gift of salvation from eternal damnation, you also desire to continue to follow Him. Thus, a disciple of Christ is a follower of His will and his ways. Salvation involves a sincere and heart-felt submission to the Lordship of Jesus, whereby you receive forgiveness for anyof your sins, by believing that he is the Christ, and most importantly that he lived on earth and was crucified to death for your sins so that you may receive Salvation or safety and assurance of eternal life in heaven.
No, in most religions it is believed that one cannot lose their salvation. If someone is saved and sins it is believed that the sinner must repent and ask forgiveness for their transgressions in order to maintain their salvation and their place in heaven.
Salvation, in a nutshell, is being saved from your sins in order to be accepted into heaven. Salvation is acheived by asking God for forgiveness from your sins, and then correcting them in real life. Many people believe that salvation is supposed to happen at a certain time in someone's life, much like destiny. The above is in dispute. Scripture teaches that faith alone Is insufficient for salvation. Understanding the gospel, believing it, repenting of your sins, advocating for Christ (confessing his name) and having your old sins washed away in baptism are all necessary to enter the kingdom of Christ.
The inexhaustible source of forgiveness of sins is God's unconditional love and grace through Jesus Christ. Through repentance and faith in Him, we can receive forgiveness for our sins, no matter how many times we fail. God's forgiveness is infinite and freely available to all who seek it.
Yes you can. If you believe in Jesus Christ, and ASK for forgiveness, then your sins will beforgiven. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoeverbelieves in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Acts 13:38 "Therefore, my brothers, I want you toknow that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.
Pentecostals believe that the ONLY way to be saved is to believe without a shadow of doubt that Christ Jesus died on the cross to make payment for the sins of everyone and then rose from the grave to earn us our salvation over death, hell, and the grave. One must repent and ask for the forgiveness of their sins as well.
It varies greatly among Christians but the one thing that Christians have in common is that Jesus is the savior and that baptism is essential for the forgiveness of sins. Most Christians break bread and serve water, grape juice or wine to commemorate Jesus' death and sacrifice. //Although it is recommended, baptism is not essential for the forgiveness of sins or neccessary for salvation. //
Jesus Christ forgives the sins of anyone who believes and asks for forgiveness.
Forgiveness according to the Church is conferred upon people in two ways; the first is Baptism, which washes away Original Sin and all actual Sins and the second is Confession where sinners approach the Priest, who acts in Persona Christi, and receives absolution (forgiveness) for the Sins Confessed. We also must strive to forgive others for the "sins," or offenses, they commit against us as is stated in the Lord's Prayer in order to receive forgiveness ourselves.Please look at the link below to see a nice essay on Forgiveness by C.S. Lewis, it is enlightening and will make you think a bit about the whole notion of forgiveness.