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As fast as the water is moving.

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Q: How fast does a flood go?
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Related questions

How fast is the current of a flash flood?

Flash Floods go faster then 300 miles per hour and are very dangerous

What is the difference between a tornado or flood?

A Tornado is swirly fast wind, a flood is rising water levels...

After a fast and heavy rainfall water may collect and be hard to escape This is called a flood?

Yes, a Flash Flood

How fast does the rain rise in a serious flood?

Faster than you think

How fast did the boscastle flood water flow?

about 60 miles an hour

Is a wave erosion a slow or fast process?

it depends, if it is a flood then yes if not then no

What nicknames does Andrew Patrick Flood go by?

Andrew Patrick Flood goes by The Flood, and Bummer Andy.

What nicknames does Vincent Flood go by?

Vincent Flood goes by Vinny.

How far inland tsunami wave surge?

The tsunami can flood as fast as a commercial jet plane.

What are the causes of a river flood?

Very fast river stream with huge rains

How do rivers get in the way?

When rivers flood or over flood they can get in the way, due to the large amount of water stored in the river or due to the fast current it holds.

What is the difference between flood and flash flood?

Flash flood comes and goes really quick. A flood takes longer and takes longer to go away.