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Essentially, he outsmarted his persecutor who accused him of being an atheist and, later, accused him of believing in foreign gods - Socrates pointed out that this was a contradiction.

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He did not. He was sentenced to die by drinking hemlock.

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Q: How did socrates defend himself against the charge of corrupting the youth and the charge of atheism?
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Did Aristotle accuse Socrates of corrupting the youth?

No, Aristotle did not accuse Socrates of corrupting the youth. It was actually fellow Athenians who brought charges against Socrates for corrupting the youth and impiety, leading to his trial and eventual execution in 399 BC. Aristotle came after Socrates and was his student, later becoming one of the most famous ancient Greek philosophers himself.

Why did Socrates kill himself?

Socrates did not kill himself; he was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock as punishment for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the gods. Socrates had the opportunity to escape but chose to accept the verdict, as he believed in upholding the laws of the city.

What was Socrates address?

Socrates' address refers to his speech during his trial in 399 BC in which he defended himself against charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. He famously declared that he was guided by a divine inner voice, known as his "daimon," which influenced his actions. Ultimately, despite his defense, Socrates was found guilty and sentenced to death by drinking poison.

What happened first in the story the Apology?

In "The Apology," Socrates defends himself against charges of corrupting the youth and impiety, thus providing an account of his life and philosophical mission. This occurs before his trial and eventual sentencing to death.

What were the charges brought against Socrates?

Socrates was charged with impiety (disrespecting the gods) and corrupting the youth of Athens. These charges were brought against him in 399 BC by the city of Athens, leading to his trial and eventual sentencing to death by drinking hemlock.

Why did the Athenians put socrates called himself a benefactor?

The Athenians put Socrates on trial and sentenced him to death for corrupting the youth and impiety. Socrates called himself a "benefactor" because he believed he was helping the citizens of Athens by challenging their beliefs and encouraging critical thinking, even though the authorities saw his actions as undermining the established norms and values of the society.

Why did Athenians put Socrates to death?

They were angry when Socrates called himself a benefactor.

Why did the Athenians put Socrates to death?

The Athenians put Socrates to death because he was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the city's gods. His philosophical teachings challenged the beliefs and values of the society, leading to his trial and subsequent conviction.

Why Socrates was hanged?

Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock in ancient Athens in 399 BC. He was accused of corrupting the youth and not believing in the gods of the city, which led to his trial and conviction by a jury of his peers. Socrates chose death over exile or renouncing his principles, as he believed it was important to uphold his commitment to truth and integrity.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Trouble with Atheism - 2006?

The cast of The Trouble with Atheism - 2006 includes: Richard Dawkins as himself Rod Liddle as Himself - Presenter John Polkinghorne as himself

Who wrote Socrates?

"The Socrates Dialogues" was written by Xenophon and Plato. They were written accounts of discussions that they had with Socrates himself.

Socrates takes the hemlock and drinks it himself because?

he was sentenced to death by the Athenian court after being convicted of impiety and corrupting the youth. Socrates chose to voluntarily drink the hemlock as his way of upholding the laws of the city, even though he disagreed with the verdict. This act is seen as a demonstration of his commitment to his beliefs and principles.