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  • Natural law is based on reason.
  • It attempts to link ethics to the general structure of the universe.
  • It is not based on feelings and emotions but is based on the mind working out what is natural, according to a rational process
  • The Roman Catholic church still accepts Aquinas' Natural Law theory in relation to sexual ethics
  • For religious and non-religious people alike, making a moral judgment is a matter of listening to one's reason. Aquinas believed that ultimately the moral life is the life 'according to reason'. He believed acting reasonably and acting as a Christian are the same thing
  • Natural law appears to hold absolute moral rules e.g. DO NOT LIE but is also flexible.

    J .M. Longford argues that some moral laws, which he calls 'secondary precepts', have to be interpreted in the context of the situation. Aquinas said 'The first principles of Natural Law are altogether unalterable but the secondary precepts…can be changed on some particular and rare occasions. It may be more flexible that usually supposed.

  • The Natural Law theory is a clear cut ethical theory, which is a major advantage.
  • There is no need to look at individual situation to work out is an action is right or wrong. It is straightforward.


  • What happens if Natural Law contradicts Christian teachings? E.g. Jesus taught you should 'turn the other cheek' when abused. Natural Law would suggest that you have a right to self preservation.
  • Natural Law shows what our moral life should be like on the assumption that we are rational beings who live in a world designed by a rational creator. If this is challenged so is Natural Law. Do we really know what our purpose is?
  • The idea of a single human nature is rejected by many. Another question is how do we decide what is natural and normal? Gareth Moore maintains what we regard as human nature is a product of the culture and society we live in e.g. In the case of sexuality we decide what is natural
  • Some of Aquinas' claims have been criticised as being mistaken. If he has made mistakes, the whole theory may be incorrect. Examples include:-
  • Aquinas said that rape is less serious than masturbation because at least in the case of rape the genitalia are being used for their proper purpose and conception might result.
  • Aquinas said all babies would be male, taking after the perfect prototype of the father. A woman is a misbegotten foetus.
  • Women are less rational than men, less suited to intellectual pursuits and less capable of firm judgments than men. They should be subject to men who are wiser than themselves.
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Q: Evaluate strengths and weakness of Aquinas natural law?
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What is natural law according to aquinas?

According to Thomas Aquinas, natural law is defined as human participation in the eternal law. He believed that this is discovered by reason.

Was Saint Thomas Aquinas a martyr?

No, Thomas Aquinas died of natural causes, possibly brought on by a head injury received when he ran into a tree.

Is fear a weakness?

No, fear is a natural defense. Cowardice is a weakness.

For Thomas Aquinas what is the relationship between Divine and Natural Law?

ord lo!

What are examples of natural law (Thomas Aquinas)?

Examples of natural law according to Thomas Aquinas include the preservation of life, procreation, seeking knowledge, living in society, and worshiping the divine. These principles are believed to be inherent in human nature and provide a foundation for moral reasoning and ethical behavior. Aquinas argued that following these natural laws leads to the fulfillment of human potential and the attainment of true happiness.

What was thomas aquinas concept of natural law?

The extraordinary Medieval theologian and philosopher, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), had a very clear and consistent view of "Natural Law." The concept can be cogently defined in this way: Natural Law is the set of basic principles that define and govern natural phenomena, including human beings, and these can be rationally discovered, understood, and utilized in diverse ways by human beings.

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Thomas Aquinas was born about the year 1225 at Roccasecca, Aquino, Naples, Italy, and died March 7, 1274, at Fossanuova near Terracina of apparently natural causes.

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No, Saint Thomas Aquinas did not translate the Bible. He was a philosopher and theologian known for his writings on natural theology and the relationship between faith and reason.

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What was Thomas Aquinas concept of law?

The extraordinary Medieval theologian and philosopher, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), had a very clear and consistent view of "Natural Law." The concept can be cogently defined in this way: Natural Law is the set of basic principles that define and govern natural phenomena, including human beings, and these can be rationally discovered, understood, and utilized in diverse ways by human beings.

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