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The acceleration of a free falling object is 32 feet per second per second. This is acceleration due to gravity. This is, of course, not the velocity of the falling object, but if you know a little bit more about the falling object you can figure out its velocity using constant acceleration formulas:

: : : : For example:

If you are standing on the top floor of the Eiffel tower, which is 896 feet above ground, and drop something out of the window, you can calculate how fast it is going just before it hits the ground using equation 4.

vi = 0

s-si=896 feet

a=32 feet/second/second

Plugging in our values, we find that the object would be traveling at 239.466 feet/second.

You could also figure out long it takes to reach the ground using either equation 2 or 3.

This is, of course, an ideal case where there is no wind or air resistance.

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Q: Does an object fall at 32 feet per second per second?
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