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The Ephod was one of the garments worn by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) in the Tabernacle and the Temple (Exodus ch.28). See the attached Related Link (in it, the Ephod is the multicolored garment worn from the waist on down, without the blue garment).

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What is an ephod?

A vestment worn by ancient Hebrew priests.It is something the Jewish High Priest wore when going into the Holy of Holies in the Temple of the Lord.There is an occasion that the High Priest was wearing the Ephod to inquire of the Lord for King David.

What is the name of the embroidered surplice worn by old testament priests?

Ephod Also cotta

What is a ephod in The Bible?

lAn ephod is a priestly vestment. The special ephod to be worn by the high priest is described in detail in God's instructions to Moses. (PICTURE, Vol. 1, p. 539) It was apparently an apronlike garment, made of "gold, blue thread and wool dyed reddish purple, coccus scarlet material and fine twisted linen, the work of an embroiderer." It consisted of front and back parts, these being joined together. A girdle of the same material was "upon" it, perhaps fastened to the ephod, holding it close around the waist. In gold settings on the shoulder pieces were two onyx stones, each engraved with the names of six of the sons of Israel. From the gold settings of these stones hung the breastpiece, by chains of gold having the workmanship of a rope. From the bottom corners of the breastpiece blue string ran through gold rings that were fastened to the lower extremity of the shoulder pieces of the ephod just above the girdle. The ephod apparently reached a little below the waist, perhaps not down to the knees.-Ex 28:6-14, 22-28. The ephod was worn by the high priest over the blue sleeveless coat, called the "coat of the ephod," which, in turn, was atop the linen robe. (Ex 29:5) This ephod was not worn on all occasions. When it was necessary to inquire of Jehovah about a matter of importance to the nation, the high priest wore the ephod and the breastpiece containing the Urim and the Thummim. (Nu 27:21; 1Sa 28:6; Ezr 2:63) On the annual Day of Atonement, after presenting the sin offerings, the high priest would wash and change garments, taking off the pure white garments and apparently putting on his beautiful garments, including the ephod, before offering up the burnt offerings.-Le 16:23-25.

Can you copyright a vintage photo?

Depending on your definition of "vintage," it might already be protected by copyright. But a sufficiently old photo, from 1922 or earlier, is in the public domain. Once an item enters the public domain, it stays there.

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The definition of mugshot is a photograph centered on one person's face which is typically made for official purposes, for example one is required on personal photo ids such as a person's passport.

When David dance out of his clothes in the Bible?

When they brought back the arc of the covenant. 2 Samuel 6: 14-15 Actually, David did not dance naked. He wore an ephod. 14 David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might, 15 while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouts and the sound of trumpets. The ephod was a priestly garment of white linen, and attached to the body by a girdle. David was naked becaue he dance with this grament, this grament is what we will call now underware. picture this a person gose outside and the only thing this person has on is underware or ephod, would you say this person is naked or would you say this person has on clothes? read 2Sam 6:14