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you can't go to heaven and hell at the same time. it depends on how many sins you make. check The Bible

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Q: Can you go to heaven for the weather and hell for the company?
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What is fiery hell?

a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven. a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven.

How can you use Heaven in a sentence?

Heaven is hormonyHeaven is peradiseheaven is the kingdom of godheaven is eternal lifeheaven is the best place in the world"Jess believes in heaven and hell.""The weather is absolute heaven today.""I believe that after you die, you go to heaven."

How does God determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell for Catholics?

You determine wether you go to Heaven or Hell. Its your choice who to serve.

What are the two places that Haddies before you go to heaven or hell?

When someone dies, they either go to Heaven or hell, there is no inbetween.

how people go to heaven or hell?

when you die the son of man judges you to either heaven or hell.

can they not go to hell?

This depends on your personal beliefs in heaven and hell.

Did Jesus go to Heaven or Hell when he die on Earth?

Jesus went to Heaven when he died on Earth, not Hell.

Will you go to heaven if the world ends?

If you are a good person then you will go to heaven. If you were a bad person you will go to hell. It all depends on your faith and religion. Also it depend on how you were as a person on earth if you were mean then you will go to hell hopeful you were nice and go to heaven with god and not to hell with the devil.

Will life in Heaven go on forever?

Yes whether you go to heaven or hell its for eternity.

What do you if you die?

You either go to hell or go to heaven

Was there a heaven did Adam and Eva go to heaven or hell?

Did you mean: Eve? They wen't to Hell since they disobeyed God

Do you have to go to heaven or hell?

Only if they exist. Christians and Muslims believe that both heaven and hell exist, but belief is not proof.