

Best Answer

If they have to abide by the Halal eating rules, then yes. Anything mentioned in the below list is NOT halal.

  • pork or pork by products
  • animals that were dead prior to slaughtering
  • animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah
  • blood and blood by products
  • alcohol
  • carnivorous animals
  • Birds of Prey
  • land animals without external ears
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Q: Can Muslims eat land animals without external ears?
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Related questions

Which animals dont have ears?

Some examples of animals without external ears include snakes, fish, and certain types of insects like beetles. These animals may have alternative ways of detecting sound or vibrations, such as through specialized sensory organs or adaptations in their bodies.

Does the jaguar have internal ears or external ears?

Jaguars have external ears.

Name 5 animals without ears?

All animals have ears but not all of them have outer ears though a lot of animals do have outer ears. animal that do not have visible ear are whale,snake, crocodile,dolphin and lizard

What do you call bears with no ears?

All bear species have external ears. If a bear has no ears, something is wrong. Either it was injured or it was born without them as a birth defect.

Do all animals have ears?

Depending on the breed of dog, the ears will be held in different positions. Boston terrier, have narrow pointy ears set far apart on their head. Malamutes have strait rounded ears. Labradors have triangluar drooping ears. Greyhounds have the rosebud/folded ears (usually). Jack Russels have button ears. It really all depends on the individual.

Why is cellmembrane important?

Its not. many animals can eat and move their ears without it.

Do all animal use their ears to hear?

Not all animals that hear have external ears like many mammals do, but many can sense the vibrations that we perceive as sound through other sensory organs, which you might call "ears".

Are their any animals that do not have ears?

bird,lizerds,snakes Also, whales and dolphins, and fish.Baboons don't, either.

Do baboons have ears?

Yes, all primates have external ears.

Does a platypus have ears?

Yes. The platypus has ears, and an acute sense of hearing. Platypuses have no external earlobes, so in that sense they have invisible ears. They have external openings to the ear which are located either side of the base of the jaw.

Does baboon have ears?

Yes. All primates have external ears.

Does a human body need ears to stay alive?

The human body does not need ears in order to survive but does need the internal structures of the ears in order to maintain balance. A person born without external ears would probably be fine but without the structure of the inner ear, balance would be very difficult.