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Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in interfaith activities.

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Only from their own songbook.

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Q: Can Jehovah witness sing in a choir and sing religious music?
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What genre of music is George Benson?

George Benson is a Jehovah's Witness, a Christian brother.

Is there music at a Jehovah's Witness funeral?

Usually something from the Jehovah's Witness songbook (Song 111 is especially written for this circumstance) See link below

What Genres of music are sung by a choir?

Gosple or religious, mainly.

How do you listen to Watchtower music and obtain lyrics from Jehovah's witnesses?

Easy. You can obtain free music CD's at the local Kingdom Hall, and a free song book which will contain the lyrics; The music is available for download from the Jehovah's Witness website.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses listen to metal music like Iron Maiden?

Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to listen to any music they like. Same goes for video games. However, Jehovah's Witnesses are careful as to what the listen to. If the music has strong language, is suggestive, or satanic, odds are that Witness would try to avoid that music. I, who is a Jehovah's Witness, listens to a large amount of different music such as Rock, Classical, Metal, Rap, and Pop. But the songs I listen to don't contain any of the above bold. I don't know much about Iron Maiden, but it all comes down to a personal choice.Hope this answers your question.

Is the movie let it shine from Disney channel religious?

It's not a religious movie in itself, but it does touch on certain religious subjects such as church, gospel, and rap vs. traditional gospel choir music.

What is a choirboy?

A boy who sings in a choir. Many English cathedrals have choir schools associated with them where the boys are educated and taught music but are also expected to perform as part of the cathredal choir during services.

What is a spiritual choir?

A choir that sings Gospel music.

What is a choir monk?

A choir monk is a monk who is part of a religious community that focuses on singing and liturgical music as a central part of their worship and prayer practices. These monks often lead the singing during church services and devote themselves to the music ministry of their community.

Meaning of verse choir?

Verse choir is a type of choral singing where a soloist or a small group alternates verses with the full choir singing the refrain or chorus. This style allows for a dynamic interplay between the soloist and the choir, creating a contrast in texture and highlighting different voices within the ensemble. It is commonly used in religious music and hymns.

What is the meaning of choral music?

Choral music is music sung by a choir with 2 or more voices assigned to each element. Choral music is necessarily polyphonic, consisting of two or more autonomous vocal lines. It carries a long history in European religious organization music.

What retailers sell choir music?

The retailers that sell choir music are Graner, Walmart, Target, and Costco. These stores offer and sell choir music for a low and very affordable price to most people.