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Laws and ethics are not fixed principles. These principles will keep changing from time to time so as to suit a particular situation in the best way possible.

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Q: Are laws and ethics fixed principles?
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The two are not synonymous and therefore not comparable. Laws (legal principles) are codified and agreed to by the legislature (representative of the people) and are necessary to establish good order and calm among society. Ethics, on the other hand, are viewed and interpreted differently from person to person. Your ethics are quite likely (almost certainly) to be different from my ethics. However, ethics are not enforceable via the law. There are no punishments for violations of "ethics" except where these principles happen to coincide in statutory law.

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Ethics are moral principles that govern an individual's behavior and decision-making, based on values like honesty, fairness, and respect. Laws, on the other hand, are rules set by the government to regulate society's behavior and actions. While ethics focus on what is morally right or wrong, laws are enforceable rules established by authority. Ethics are often subjective and may vary based on personal beliefs, while laws are objective and apply to everyone within a specific jurisdiction.

Which ethical philosophy states that decision making should be based on the circumstances surrounding a given situation not fixed laws?

Utilitarianism is the ethical philosophy that argues that decision-making should be based on the outcome that brings the greatest good for the greatest number of people, rather than fixed laws or principles. This approach considers the specific circumstances of each situation and aims to maximize overall happiness or well-being.

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What is the name of the modern code of ethics the AMA adopted in 1980?

Principles of Medical Ethics

Where is principles derived?

Principles are derived from various sources such as ethics, values, laws, cultural norms, and personal beliefs. They serve as guidelines to help individuals make decisions and navigate ethical dilemmas in their personal and professional lives.