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The lower level of concern for interacting with sentient beings in Buddhism has not been identified. In keeping with the Eightfold Path the Buddhist himself must establish the standards he will meet. In the case of amoeba , they react to impacts such as heat, food, water conditions and light. To some this would indicate self awareness. To others this reaction would be the same as a plant's reacting to light, water, fertilizer or gravity and not indicative of sentience.

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Q: Are amoeba sentient beings in a Buddhist context?
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== == The state or quality of having existence is either sentient or not sentient therefore the question is nonsensical.

What are the characteristics of semi sentient beings and do they actually exist?

== == The state or quality of having existence is either sentient or not sentient therefore the question is nonsensical.

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Killing any living beingAnswer:Buddhism doesn't have either must-dos or taboos. The suggestions of the Eightfold Path are just suggestions. Many Buddhists refrain from killing sentient (thinking) beings but the inclusivity of sentient are not defined.

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This question should be (who is Buddha?) because Buddha is one person that is founder of Buddhism. He Born in Lumbini, Nepal.Answer:All enlightened beings are Buddhas. All sentient beings can become enlightened, Therefore all sentient beings can become Buddhas given enough time.

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All sentient human beings as well as some animals.