The New York City based video game developer and publisher Rockstar Games is owned by Take-Two Interactive.
Dan houser rockstar and take two
By inventor of Grand Theft Auto. You mean by the console games right? If so the creators of GTA are Rockstar Games.
just bring up the 'typing' cheat bar...and then type rocker101_bullseye. If you don't want to cheat, get the music job. when you get promoted from music talent scout, you have the choice to be a symphony star or a rockstar. click on rockstar, then get promoted again and again until you're level 10. NOW YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR!
Suba Games was created in 2008-08.
Rockstar Games Social Club was created in 2008.
Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis was created on 2006-05-23.
rockstar games
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games Christian Cantamessa was lead designer see related link
All the Grand Theft Auto games were created by the Rockstar games company (you can find their profile on Wikipedia).
Rockstar Lincoln was created in 1997.
Rockstar North was created in 1988.
Rockstar Toronto was created in 1999.
Rockstar London was created in 2005.
Rockstar - drink - was created in 2001.
Rockstar Leeds was created in 1997.