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ano bayan ako ng ang nagtatanong eh ako ung tinanong mo

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nina met..agdamdamag nk syak met pag damagam bobo....??

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Q: Example of ours is a finite earth?
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What is ours is a finite earth?

wala ko kabalo! mao ganing nangutana ko! ano bayan!

example of situation of "Ours is a finite Earth"?

God has given us many wonderful things and blessings each day, but one of the most grateful gifts that He has given us is our home, Earth. It has been our home since the first humans landed their

What is meaning of ours is a finite earth?

ano bayan ako ng ang nagtatanong eh ako ung tinanong mo

What is the meaning of your is a finite earth?

our is a finite earth\

Why ours is a finite earth?

Earth is finite because it has a limited amount of resources such as water, land, and energy. The planet's capacity to sustain life is not infinite, and human activities contribute to the depletion of these resources. It is important to practice sustainability to ensure the well-being of future generations.

What is plural for mine?

Ours. For example that car is ours.

What is the meaning of ours is a finite earth in the 7 environmental principles?

Everything that we need is provided by nature in abundance – food, water, energy, minerals and air. However, some resources that we depend upon nowadays are extracted excessively but are slow to replace. These non-renewable resources experience limits of supply.

What sentence can you use with Finite in it?

Example sentence - There is a finite amount of monies in the account.

What is an example of using the word finite?

There is only a finite number of opportunities in your life.

A example of a finite amount of time?

An example of a finite amount of time is having a short time frame to complete a task.

What is an example sentence for the word finite?

Coal is a finite resource on Earth.The finite resources will eventually run out.

Where the houses different to ours?
