Longitude; not parallel
NorthSouth Productions was created in 2000.
You can't run between the lines. By Rehana You can't run between the lines. By rehana
The magnetic field lines will form concentric circles around the wire, with the direction of the field lines being clockwise when viewed from above the wire.
Lines that run parallel to the equator are called latitude lines or parallels.
There are no parallel lines that run FROM the equator. Lines that are parallel TO the equator are the latitudes.
Longitude lines run from pole to pole.
parallel lines. they run side by side but never intersect
The thin lines that run across a map are called longitude and latitude lines. Longitude lines run north to south, while latitude lines run east to west. These lines help in pinpointing specific locations on the Earth's surface.
North Carolina-cardinal. South Carolina-Carolina wren.
Lines that run east and west is called Latitude. The opposite lines are known as longitude.
Parralell lines are lines that run together and will never meet. For example: __________ __________ Perpendicular lines are lines that run at a 90 degree angle to each other. For example: ____ | |
Perpendicular lines are lines that eventually intersect, and intersecting means when the run into eachother. For example, the "L" shape are two perpendicular lines because the lines run into eachother.