It's pronounced 'on root' - It's a French phrase that literally means 'on the way' or 'along the way'.
we are en route house
The correct term is "en route." "In route" is a common mistake.
En route - (two words) is a French phrase which means "on the way" or "along the way".Enroute - (one word) In aviation, an En-route chart or Enroute chart is an aeronautical chart that guides pilots flying under instrument.
I pronounce it ROO-en.
En route - novel - was created in 1895.
The duration of En Route - film - is 1.33 hours.
En Route - film - was created on 2004-06-17.
bee - en
En Pointe is pronounced awhn-point.
yuh pronounce dishearten like this:dis~heart~en
We had an accident en route to the spa and had to spend the day in the ER instead.