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The leading and motivating function is concerned with the human resources within an organization. Leading is the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal. Motivating is the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of an organization. Both motivating and leading is important for an organization to get the most use of an employee.

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Q: Why is leadership and motivation necessary in a business in which people are paid for their work?
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What is psychodynamic model?

Sigmund Freud worked on this theory. It basically states that we learn leadership and fears from the time we are born. The family is normally our role model and teacher. In this theory the leadership style we have is very much how we deal with our own parents. It is as though our parents are the leadership mentors and we learn everything from them. What's more how we begin to treat other people as people and even leaders is a mirror of how our parents treated us.

What is the underlying concept of motivation?

The underlying concept of motivation is some driving force within individuals by which they attempt to achieve some goal in order to fulfil some need or expectation. People's behaviour is determined by what motivates them. Their performance is a product of both ability level and motivation. Performance= Function (ability> Motivation) waa baradhe

Definition of Motivation?

To motivate is to make something mobile, to make it go. Motivation, the thing that makes something go, is most often thought of in terms of the psychological reason why people do things.

Why maslow theory of motivation is best as compared to other motivation theories?

Maslow's theory provides a common-sense explanation of motivation. It is easy to comprehend for laymen. For scientists, it is too simplistic and cannot generate testable hypotheses and is, therefore, treacle. But for most people, it makes sense.

What is the achievement motivation of Atkinson?

John Atkinson's Theory of Achievement Motivation Theory states that people with a high need for achievement are generally more motivated. It also defines the fear of failure as a reason for avoiding activities of achievement.Ê

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Leadership is the ability to influence others through inspiration and motivation, and Management is the ability to control people and resources using authority to achieve specific business objectives. From MoCreaTV youtube channel.

Why are leadership and motivation necessary in a business in which people are paid for their work?

The leading and motivating function is concerned with the human resources within an organization. Leading is the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal. Motivating is the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of an organization. Both motivating and leading is important for an organization to get the most use of an employee.

What is the Ability to persuade and influence others?

awareness and motivation is the key to gaining people to look at things your way.

What are the components of motivation in business?

Motivation changes based on the individual. Management may use money, time off or gifts to motivate different people in the organization.

Why do people make marijuana?

The same as the motivation for engaging in any business, there is BIG money to be made in it.

Compare and contrast leadership and administration?

adminstration is about allogoating the resources and making it work effectively as possible, in adminstration it focuses on excutiveness not on desicion making, there is no directing in admisrtion. while leadership is about motivation people at a direction and directing them to that direction, it enables the people to move toward a direction by using different leadership sttyles

According to Army doctrine leadership is?

the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while operating to accomplishing the mission and improving the organization

What is leadership according to Army doctrine?

the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while operating to accomplishing the mission and improving the organization

Transformation leadership is a concept that aims to do what?

Transformation leadership is a process where both leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. It aims to create significant change in the life of people and organizations.

What are some duties of a leadership coach?

A leadership coach is trained and has a degree in helping people get the most out of their life. They offer motivation to individuals and even companies in the areas of time management, self esteem, how to interact with coworkers and more.

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Basically, their motivation is the purpose behind the travel. Some travel for business while others for leisure. Both give satisfaction in terms of running a business or visiting a really nice place and relaxing.

What are the roles of business?

The role of business is to help in overall economic growth of the country and the people in general.Apart from profit motivation, they should cater to their societal responsibilities as well.