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== == There are many reasons people lie pathologically. It could be from family abuse (covering up or lying so they aren't beaten.) It can be immaturity (afraid of the world in general) or it can simply be the person doesn't think they rank high on the ladder of life and make up stories to make themselves look better to others, or because they want sympathy or attention that they are not getting. There are just too many reasons. Pathological Liars are not terrible people and often times can be quite funny just trying to squirm out of a lie someone has caught them in, but it does put a monkey wrench into any relationship they have with family, friends and their mates. They can be sneaky; you can date them and believe a lot of what they say and then you're caught in the web. If you find out they are, it's time to move on.

In addition, it's said that pathological liars have 22% more white matter in their prefrontal cortex than "normal" people. This could explain why pathological liars are so believable. I saw a special about this once, and they said that they can convince people so easily, because in a way they believe the lie themselves. They muddle the boundaries between what is real and the fantasies they create in their minds. Inevitably they will damn themselves but cause a lot of hurt and pain along the way, because they truly cannot care about the feelings of "loved" ones while they are creating their web of lies and deceit.

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15y ago
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10mo ago

People may lie pathologically due to underlying psychological issues such as low self-esteem, a need for attention, or a desire to manipulate others. Pathological lying can also be a symptom of certain mental health conditions, such as antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. Treatment by a mental health professional is often necessary to address the root causes of this behavior.

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14y ago

It's usually the environment they grew up in. They may have had to lie so they wouldn't be beaten or they lied because they were simply frightened. Most children will lie, but as we grow up we learn that only the truth shall set us free. When someone grows up in fear or a bad environment they lack self confidence and they may be shy, lack self confidence so they lie over small things or dramatize an event that may have happened to them to impress their peers. There is great help out there by therapists.

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13y ago

Because they have lied so much that they have lost all conscientious pangs and are callus to doing wrong of this sort.

So that above answer was completely conceited and wrong. I am a pathological liar. Therefore I am the best person to tell you about pathological liars. Right, pathological liars lie because they find it too uncomfortable to tell the truth, much like how an honest person finds it hard to lie. However, we lie about the most mundane thing sometimes. I even make up stories to win an argument. Also, most people will tell you that we lose track of our lies. For me that is not true, I have an excellent memory capacity and therefore can remember nearly every important lie I've told.

Furthermore we have not lost all conscientous pangs and we are usually not callus. This person was obviously thinking of a sociopath which is completely different to a pathological liar. We don't lie to advance our own goals unlike sociopaths, we lie because it feels comfortable for us.

An example was today in my class. I was asked if it was my birthday due to a prior conversation with a friend. I just said yes out of instinct (even though it wasn't). Now there is now harm done in that lie. I got sung happy birthday and nothing bad happened. We have spent so much lieing that it is second nature to us. I hope I have helped you understand.

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