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George Westinghouse's IQ does not seem to be listed publicly. He was known for his work with Tesla and electricity.

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There is no definitive record of George Westinghouse's IQ as IQ testing was not prevalent during his lifetime. Westinghouse's intelligence and success can be seen through his numerous inventions and business achievements in the field of engineering and industry.

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The normal IQ is 100 so it means that people with 134 IQ are above average. I also have a 134 IQ and i say that your above average because smart people like Stephan Hawkings and Albert Einsrein only have an IQ of 160 but our president George Bush(with all the stupid things he's doing) has and IQ of 129. So, your a little smarted than George Bush but on the other hand, alittle less smart than some of the smartest people of all time......think about it

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What did George Washington get on his IQ test?

George Washington never took an IQ test; they had not yet been invented in his lifetime. The earliest test that we would recognize as an IQ test dates from the early 20th century. French psychologist Alfred Binet, together with psychologists Victor Henri and Théodore Simon, after about 15 years of development, published the Binet-Simon test in 1905, which focused on verbal abilities.