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What is the difference between a case study and a survey?

A case study examines one case, probably a person, in detail and follows it through some period of time. A survey involves many different individual things or people, not studied in as much detail or during as much time.

What form of learning involves a neutral stimulus acquiring the ability to produce a response that was originally produced by a different stimulus?

Classical conditioning

What is difference between motive and drive?

The meanings are essentially the same except that "motive" more often involves a goal that is criminal while the goal for "drive" is more socially acceptable.

What is the main difference between Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Applied Behavior Analysis?

Behavior analysis consists of 3 main areas of study that are distinctive (behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior, and applied behavior analysis). Experimental analysis of behavior was created by B.F. Skinner and involves clinical or laboratory experiments that demonstrate basic principles of behavior. Applied behavior analysis derived from experimental analysis and involves applying the basic principles in invidual's natural settings. Basically, the settings and some methodoligies used for experimental control are different.

What is the difference between hippocampus and parahippocampus?

Hippocampus- involves memory and learning, recognizes new information, and recalls spatial relationships. Parahippocampus- helps monitor strong emotions like rage and fright.

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An interfix is attached into two different morphemes while infix is inserted in the middle of one morpheme. Hence, interfix involves two different morphemes but infix involves a single morpheme

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Acculturation is to adopt a different culture where as trans-culturation involves more than one culture.

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The main difference between speed and velocity involves direction.

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To coax involves emotional manipulation; whereas, to convince involves intellectual manipulation.

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The difference between recount and retell is the method in which they were heard. Retelling involves describing something that was said. Recounting involves describing something in sequential order that was read.

The difference between impulse and impact force involves the?

velocity and acceleration

What is the difference between aggregation and agglutination?

Aggregation involves clumping of platelets while agglutination involves clumping of particles in the presence of antibodies.

What are the stages in the development of conflict?

Development of conflict involves 5 consecutive stages. These are latent stage, perceived stage, felt stage, manifest stage and aftermath stage.

What is different between Krebs cycle and Calvin cycle?

Krebs involves energy. Calvin involves volts.