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Facilitative Emotions contribute to effective situations.

Debilitative Emotions detract from them.

Anger in football is facilitative

Rage is...debilitative in almost every situation

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Facilitative emotions help enhance performance by promoting focus, motivation, and resilience, such as excitement or determination. In contrast, debilitative emotions can hinder performance by causing stress, anxiety, or fear, leading to decreased concentration and confidence.

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Q: What is the difference between a facilitative and debilitative emotion?
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Is there a difference between mad and angry?

Yes, there is a difference between "mad" and "angry." "Mad" tends to imply a more intense or irrational state of emotion, whereas "angry" is a more general feeling of displeasure or hostility.

What is the main difference between the James-Lange theory of emotion and the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion?

The James-Lange theory of emotion is different from the Cannon-Bard and Schachter-Singer theories in that it: does not acknowledge the limbic system.

What emotion is between focused and confused?

The emotion between focused and confused could be curiosity. When you are focused but encounter something perplexing, curiosity motivates you to explore and seek understanding.

What is the difference between anger and mood?

Anger is a specific emotion characterized by feelings of irritation or hostility, often in response to a perceived threat or injustice. Mood, on the other hand, refers to a more general state of emotion that can encompass a range of feelings, including happiness, sadness, or contentment. Anger is typically more intense and focused than a general mood.

What is the difference between emotion-focused coping strategies and problem- focused coping strategies?

Emotion-focused coping strategies involve managing the emotional distress caused by a situation, such as seeking social support or practicing relaxation techniques. Problem-focused coping strategies involve addressing the source of stress directly, such as making a plan of action or seeking information to solve the problem. Emotion-focused coping aims to regulate emotions, while problem-focused coping aims to solve the underlying issue.

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The Great Awakening is about feeling and emotion and The Enlightenment is about logic and reason.

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Women are said to be more emotional than men. But there is no distinctive difference between both.

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Fear is an emotion "I fear you" Frighten is to cause someone to feel the emotion fear. "Do I frighten you?" = "Do I cause you to feel fear?" "Yes you frighten me" = "Yes, you cause me to feel fear"

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Gary Paulsen said that the difference between man and dog is that a man is a creature of intellect and emotion while a dog is a creature of simple needs and wants.

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Anger is a form of emotion which can be either within our self or outside. Violence cannot be inner but has to be external

What is the difference between modern and classical dance?

MOdern is a newer type of ballet that uses a lot of emotion and expressing of the feellings while acting out a part. Classical does not use the same emotion as modern but you still are actiong out a part.

Is there a difference between mad and angry?

Yes, there is a difference between "mad" and "angry." "Mad" tends to imply a more intense or irrational state of emotion, whereas "angry" is a more general feeling of displeasure or hostility.

What is debilitative emotion?

Debilitating emotions would be similar to depression, phobias can be real problems. Another response: Debilitating emotions are so intense as to interfere with normal daily activities. Someone suffering from debilitating grief might not be able to cope with their job. A person with debilitating fear might not be able to leave their home.

What is the difference between muzak and music?

"Muzak" is that bland, generic synthetic stuff piped into elevators and some stores. Music is the original stuff that has more emotion in it.

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