Depends on the severity, duration, etc.
There are a lot:
296.20 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified
296.21 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Mild
296.22 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate
296.23 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic
296.24 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe With Psychotic
296.25 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Partial Remission
296.26 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Full Remission
296.30 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Unspecified
296.31 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Mild
296.32 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate
296.33 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe Without Psychotic Features
296.34 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe With Psychotic Features
296.35 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Partial Remission
296.36 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Full Remission
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She struggled to find joy in anything, the weight of depression keeping her trapped in a dark and isolating world.
Depression can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a mental health condition or a feeling of severe despondency. As a verb, it can describe the act of pressing something down.
Genetics, family history of depression, and early childhood trauma are three examples of uncontrollable risk factors for depression. These factors can increase an individual's susceptibility to developing depression but cannot be changed or controlled.
Here are some questions to ask about depression: When did you first notice changes in your mood or behavior? How is depression affecting your daily life and relationships? Are you experiencing any physical symptoms along with your emotional ones? Have you considered seeking professional help for your depression?
There are a plethora of DSMIV substance abuse codes. It all depends upon the diagnosis. They are specific to the substance being abused, there is also one for polysubstance abuse when one substance does not qualify. Then there is also abuse versus dependence. So again, it all depends.
It means that it is the fourth edition of the DSM.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, classifies it as a feeding and eating disorder of childhood.
The 311 code stands for depressive disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). It is aspecial type of depression used to describe a mental disorder that diagnosis of major depression or dysthymic disorder.
Depends upon symptoms, subtype of diagnosis, longevity and response to treatment.
Yes, the diagnosis is Bipolar Depressive Episode with Psychotic Features (DSM 5 diagnostic code: 296.54, ICD 10 diagnostic code: F31.5).
there is no known classification for this, since it does not exist in the DSMIV
296.33 is severe recurrent major depression without psychosis. This is a dangerous disorder with a risk of death.
The Great Depression
Depression is capitalized in phrases such as The Great Depression, but the medical condition and the scientific are not.
From Blue Cross of Idaho: The following ICD-9 code ranges may be used to describe seasonal affective disorder: 296.2 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode 296.3 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent 311 Depression, NOS 300.4 Neurotic Depression 301.1 Affective Personality Disorder I have seen 301.13 recommended for SAD. That is for "cyclothymic disorder.