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What is an advantage of the participant observation research method? A. It provides opportunities to see things that may have been missed in a less direct data collection. (Correct Answer)

B. It ensures that there is no bias in the collection of data. C. It creates opportunities to include guess work and the observer's personal perspective in the collection of the data. D. It develops guidelines to prevent miscalculations while analyzing the data that were collected.

Apex Teddi

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2mo ago

One advantage of participant observation is that it allows researchers to gain in-depth understanding of the social context and behaviors being studied by directly immersing themselves in the situation. This method also enables researchers to establish rapport with participants, leading to more authentic and detailed insights.

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Which perspective is most likely to use participant observation as a research method?

Anthropology and sociology are the perspectives most likely to use participant observation as a research method. This method involves immersing oneself in the culture or community being studied to gain a deep understanding of their practices, beliefs, and social interactions. Participant observation is particularly valuable for studying behavior and social norms within a specific context.

What is the name for the research method that is referred to as practical observation?

Participant observation is the research method that involves researchers immersing themselves in the social setting to observe and participate in the activities of the group being studied. This method helps researchers gain a deeper understanding of the culture and behaviors of the group under study.

Why is participant observation method better preferred over other research method in psychology?

Participant observation allows researchers to gain in-depth insights into the behavior and experiences of individuals within their natural settings, which can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena. This method enables researchers to observe behavior as it occurs, capturing nuances and context that may be missed with other methods. Additionally, participant observation can help build rapport and trust with participants, leading to more authentic and meaningful data.

What research method was used in William Foote Whyte's Cornerville study?

William Foote Whyte used the participant observation research method in his Cornerville study. He immersed himself in the community, lived among the residents, and actively participated in their daily lives to gather data and insights for his research.

What type of Methods of observation can be used?

Some methods of observation include direct observation (watching subjects in their natural environment without interference), participant observation (participating in the activities being observed), and structured observation (using predetermined criteria to record specific behaviors). Each method has its own advantages and limitations depending on the research goals and context.

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What is another name for research method that referred to as participant observation?


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Participant observation

Which perspective is most likely to use participant observation as a research method?

Anthropology and sociology are the perspectives most likely to use participant observation as a research method. This method involves immersing oneself in the culture or community being studied to gain a deep understanding of their practices, beliefs, and social interactions. Participant observation is particularly valuable for studying behavior and social norms within a specific context.

What is non participant observation?

Non-participant, or direct, observation is where data are collected by observing behaviour without interacting with the participants. Participant observation is where data are collected by interacting with, and therefore experiencing, the phenomenon being studied.

What is the difference between ethnography and participant observation?

Ethnography is a research method that involves studying and documenting a culture or group of people, while participant observation is a specific data collection technique within ethnography where the researcher actively participates in the activities of the group being studied. In participant observation, the researcher immerses themselves in the culture to gain a deeper understanding of the group's practices, beliefs, and social dynamics.

What is a participant observation?

Participant observation is a research method used in social sciences where the researcher immerses themselves in the group or community being studied, actively participating in their activities and interactions while also observing and taking notes. This method allows for a deep understanding of the group's culture, behavior, and dynamics.

What is the name for the research method that is referred to as practical observation?

Participant observation is the research method that involves researchers immersing themselves in the social setting to observe and participate in the activities of the group being studied. This method helps researchers gain a deeper understanding of the culture and behaviors of the group under study.

Which sociological research method provides the best chance to undrstand social behavior in a natural setting?

Participant observation is often considered the best sociological research method for understanding social behavior in a natural setting. This method involves immersing oneself in the social setting being studied, allowing researchers to observe and experience interactions firsthand. Participant observation can provide rich data that is reflective of the natural behavior of individuals.

Why is participant observation method better preferred over other research method in psychology?

Participant observation allows researchers to gain in-depth insights into the behavior and experiences of individuals within their natural settings, which can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena. This method enables researchers to observe behavior as it occurs, capturing nuances and context that may be missed with other methods. Additionally, participant observation can help build rapport and trust with participants, leading to more authentic and meaningful data.

What is the advantage of the participants observation research methods?

What is an advantage of the participant observation research method? A. It provides opportunities to see things that may have been missed in a less direct data collection. (Correct Answer) B. It ensures that there is no bias in the collection of data. C. It creates opportunities to include guess work and the observer's personal perspective in the collection of the data. D. It develops guidelines to prevent miscalculations while analyzing the data that were collected. Apex Teddi

The research method in cultural anthropology that involves living in a culture for an extended period while gathering data is?

Participant observation is the research method in cultural anthropology that involves living in a culture for an extended period while gathering data. Researchers immerse themselves in the daily lives of the community, participating in activities and observing social interactions to understand cultural practices and beliefs firsthand. This method allows for a deep understanding of the culture from an insider's perspective.