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Self esteem can be built out of confidence. You have to attain confidence to get self esteem.

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9y ago
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9mo ago
  1. Practice self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.
  2. Set achievable goals and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
  3. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who uplift you.
  4. Challenge negative self-talk and practice self-compassion.
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9y ago

I used to suffer with problems with self esteem A LOT. The best advice I ever took was that when you act gorgeous, you'll feel gorgeous. You need to realize that your looks are NOT everything. And you're probably thinking "well they still mean a lot", but they truly, truly don't. Have you ever seen a girl that wasn't the prettiest but is so nice and open to others that you start to notice the beautiful features that come from the outside to the surface? That's a PERFECT example of acting gorgeous, feeling gorgeous, and portraying yourself as a gorgeous person. Second, don't dwell on your flaws. Trust me, if you looked through the eyes of a "beautiful" girl, you would see flaws there too.

The thing is, nobody notices your flaws like you do. Do you think anyone really stops to think about another's big nose while they're being friendly and humorous? No. All you have to do is realize you are perfecttttt. Nobody else can be a better you than you are. And don't look at the girls with all the guys and all the clothes and all the friends and wish you were them. DEFINATELY don't look at them and try to imitate them. I'm not sure who said it, but I absolutely love the quote that said "Imitation is suicide". How can you love yourself when you're trying to be someone else? Also, do things that you love to do. Things that make you happy and things that you'll enjoy getting better at. Hang out with people that make you happy. POSITIVE people. And last, stop judging other people.

One problem that I had with my self confidence was that whenever I talked about a person I thought I was better than, I always felt a bit of guilt for making fun of something they could'nt control about themselves. For example, if you were to have terrible acne, would you want someone else to critisize you for that? I'm sure if you could control it, you wouldn't have that acne in the first place, and hearing other people be mean about it hurts a lot. So once you start thinking positively about other people, you'll have an easier time finding nice things about yourself. NOW THIS IS WAY TOO LONG. But I really hope I helped Having low self esteem really hurts, and I hope with this you learn to love yourself more because everyone deserves to be thankful for what they have and what they are capable of.

I can empathise with this description, through my step daughters personality. She suffers from low self esteem, not to the point of being a little door mouse or flower on the wall, but quite the opposite. I think her brash, loud, bold, and sometimes foul behaviour to be a thin veneer to disguise her deep insecurities in which low self esteem is a part of. She becomes depressed, and has become dependant on alcohol which we all know is the worst "fix" for that state of mind. She is in her mid thirties with never having had a steady relationship (what guy would put up with her mouth) has been in and out of employment, hangs out with "pond life" ( this is her comfort zone pecking order) The irony of her personality is she comes from a stable middle class home.

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You can always start with where you are. Self-esteem is how you see yourself. Therefore you must examine how you regard yourself. Do you think of yourself as a victim, a hero, a nobody, or the saviour of the universe. The way you see yourself determines many of your actions. It also determines how you relate with others.

I believe that every individual has strengths and weaknesses. A person with healthy self-esteem know the difference. Recognize who you are and what you are capable of. You certain have talents and skills. Discover them. Use them to the full and celebrate your success. When fears prevent you from moving towards confidence, I suggest you name your fears and find out the worst things that they can do to your life. Self-confidence is about embracing who you are and putting your gifts to good use.

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well you can look it at two different ways the self esteem is pretty much the same. so id say a yes

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Self esteem comes only from within. It can not be heaped on from outside of one. one must work at and accomplsh something that they view as worthwhile. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is through some type of volunteer work.

Baby Steps To Raising Your Self-Esteem?

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(Apex) Be reasonable and be forgiving.

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