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It depends on the girl

I see them as different types there are:

Hot girls that are skinny and sporty.

Ugly girls that are probably dumb as well and hang in the gay group.

Smart girls that may also be hot.

Loner girls.

Girls that hang with guys because they find it hanging out with girls too wierd.

The teachers pets.

And the girls that are the top 5 you dream about hanging with that are perfect in every way. They have that ausome smile and hang with there group of cool girls that wear make up and stuff and giggle all the time.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Some common personality traits of girls can include empathy, nurturing qualities, intuition, and emotional intelligence. However, it is important to remember that personality traits vary greatly from person to person regardless of gender.

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