sally clever cleaner timmy or well you thoght it clever toothbrush
Rangutan added:
- plackattacker (plaque-attacker)
- morning-sweeper
- third-world all-cleaner
- mini toiletbrush
- toot-brush
- Zahnburste (German)
- googly-googly (Zulu)
- '''fogkefe (Hungarian)
- зубная щетка (Russian)
Cleverer is an adaptation of clever.As in, Marsha is cleverer than Mark, but Madison is the cleverest of all.It does sound better to use, Marsha is more clever than Mark, but Madison is the most clever of all.Fowler's "Modern English Usage" includes clever in the list of adjectives regularly taking -er and -estin preference to more and most.
Not necessarily. Talking a lot doesn't always correlate with intelligence. Cleverness is more about the quality and substance of what is being said, rather than the quantity.
Yes, humans are considered clever because of our ability to think critically, problem solve, create innovative solutions, and adapt to changing environments. Our intelligence and creativity have enabled us to develop complex technologies, build civilizations, and make significant advancements in various fields.
You can clean your tongue by gently brushing it with a toothbrush or using a tongue scraper. Start at the back of your tongue and scrape or brush towards the front to remove bacteria and debris that can cause bad breath. Rinse your mouth with water afterwards.
Names of neurotranmitters are Norepinephine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Histamine, Adenosine and ATP Names of neurotranmitters are Norepinephine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Histamine, Adenosine and ATP
Fluffy Cuddles Cutie pie i named mine Taylor,JoHannah,Bethany,Columbia, Pheonix, and JoyAnna
Well there are plenty of names for that but there is one which i can think of and it is dinogolaus
Garden Rack? natures love ?
* Tilneys * India * Fab shop
There are several reviews for the Braun Oral B electric toothbrush. Some customers love the toothbrush for it's ability to get into hard to reach places. Some dislike the toothbrush because of it's hard texture.
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Some benefits of an ultrasonic toothbrush over a regular toothbrush include that you get a better clean because an automatic toothbrush such as the ultrasonic can average thousands of strokes per minute more than a regular toothbrush. Another advantage is that it is easier for people with arthritis to use an electric toothbrush over a regular one.
Most dentists recommend a toothbrush labeled "soft". It was ariginally made in China
what about IronEagle,XMagnum,PitBulls,there are many names but the right one will get you alot of ppl in your fac or clan chose one thats uniqe to you and your friends
laundry, names, toys, birthdays, food, toothbrush
It was a clever joke that several of the group did not get. He was very clever about the clues he left.