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what is prescribed role

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Q: What Photographs reflect socially prescribed roles and explore the nature of stereotypes?
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How does social media destroy stereotypes?

by breaking down barriers and lettin people explore and learn

Because the internet breaks down barriers and lets people explore areas not traditionally meant for them, it can?

destroy bad stereotypes.

What is Sierra Club Foundation's motto?

The motto of Nature Conservation Foundation is 'To carry out science-based and socially responsible conservation'.

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The Viking Space Probe was actually two different probes. Viking 1 and Viking 2 were used to explore Mars. The probes took photographs, did experiments and deployed instruments to the surface of Mars.

Is will explore an adverb?

No, it is not. It is a future tense conjugation of the verb to explore (shall explore, will explore).

Why did Prince Henry explore the oceans?

he didnt explore he sent people to explore for him.

What do people explore?

They explore homosexuality

How did exploring and trading affect the world socially?

When people explore they take their culture with them and items that are made from the culture. So, ideas, products, and culture are exchanged. This means that both cultures change as a result of the exposure. Things are learned, brought back, and traded this means that the social structures change.

Why do meteors explore?

Meteors do not explore. Rocks from space can not explore, only living beings can.

When did zheng explore?

he explore because he want to@@@@

Explore is to investigate an unknown county?


Are there any exciting locations in South Florida to photograph other than the standard tropical shots?

If you're a local, you could explore your area and think of places you yourself have never been to. By being local you already have a better knowledge of "unusual" places to take photographs compared to tourists visiting.