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Gestalt psychology revolves around the idea that people are always trying to derive meaning from a chaotic, and often incomprehensible, world. It's main contribution was coming to an understand regarding the way people's brains order their perceptions into an orderly, simplistic, and grouped together way.

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perception, emphasizing the importance of studying how people perceive and make sense of sensory information as integrated wholes rather than isolated parts. Their insights have influenced fields such as cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, and design.

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Q: The Gestalt psychologists made their most lasting contributions to the psychology of?
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Who contributed more to the world Newton or Freud?

Both Newton and Freud made significant contributions to their respective fields. Newton is known for his laws of motion and universal gravitation, which revolutionized our understanding of the physical world. Freud is known for his work in psychology, particularly psychoanalysis, which greatly influenced the study of human behavior and the field of psychology. Their contributions were in different areas and have had lasting impacts on our understanding of the world.

Did Ivan Pavlov contribute to our society?

Yes, Ivan Pavlov made significant contributions to our understanding of classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs. His research has had a lasting impact on the fields of psychology and behavioral science, influencing how we understand learning and behavior in both humans and animals.

What is Signund freuds major contributions?

Sigmund Freud's major contributions include developing psychoanalysis as a method for treating mental illness, proposing the three-part structure of the mind (id, ego, superego), and suggesting that unconscious thoughts and desires influence behavior. Freud's ideas have had a lasting impact on psychology, psychiatry, and popular culture.

What is the contribution of Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud made significant contributions to the field of psychology by developing psychoanalysis, a theory of the mind and therapeutic technique for treating mental health disorders. His work on the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and the structure of personality have had a lasting impact on psychology and continue to influence the field today.

That freud ideas are stll useful today?

While Freud's ideas have had a lasting impact on psychology and continue to influence therapy and counseling, many of his theories have been criticized for being outdated and lacking empirical support. Some concepts, such as the unconscious mind and defense mechanisms, are still relevant to understanding human behavior, but they are often viewed within a more modern and integrated framework of psychology. Ultimately, Freud's contributions have paved the way for further developments in the field, even as some of his specific theories have fallen out of favor.

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Who contributed more to the world Newton or Freud?

Both Newton and Freud made significant contributions to their respective fields. Newton is known for his laws of motion and universal gravitation, which revolutionized our understanding of the physical world. Freud is known for his work in psychology, particularly psychoanalysis, which greatly influenced the study of human behavior and the field of psychology. Their contributions were in different areas and have had lasting impacts on our understanding of the world.

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Did Ivan Pavlov contribute to our society?

Yes, Ivan Pavlov made significant contributions to our understanding of classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs. His research has had a lasting impact on the fields of psychology and behavioral science, influencing how we understand learning and behavior in both humans and animals.

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teme guess school notes

What is Signund freuds major contributions?

Sigmund Freud's major contributions include developing psychoanalysis as a method for treating mental illness, proposing the three-part structure of the mind (id, ego, superego), and suggesting that unconscious thoughts and desires influence behavior. Freud's ideas have had a lasting impact on psychology, psychiatry, and popular culture.

What is the contribution of Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud made significant contributions to the field of psychology by developing psychoanalysis, a theory of the mind and therapeutic technique for treating mental health disorders. His work on the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and the structure of personality have had a lasting impact on psychology and continue to influence the field today.

What are the lasting contributions of the roman empire and how are they beneficial to us today?

the long lasting contributions of the Roman Empire are how the Roman Empire built their walls, buildings, bridges, and other ways of life and how it is beneficial to us today because people in Rome still use this even today.

How is Aristotle famous?

Aristotle is famous for his contributions to a wide range of fields including philosophy, science, and ethics. He was a student of Plato and later became the teacher of Alexander the Great. His works on logic, ethics, politics, and metaphysics have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy.

That freud ideas are stll useful today?

While Freud's ideas have had a lasting impact on psychology and continue to influence therapy and counseling, many of his theories have been criticized for being outdated and lacking empirical support. Some concepts, such as the unconscious mind and defense mechanisms, are still relevant to understanding human behavior, but they are often viewed within a more modern and integrated framework of psychology. Ultimately, Freud's contributions have paved the way for further developments in the field, even as some of his specific theories have fallen out of favor.

What were freud's contributions to the western world?

Sigmund Freud made significant contributions to the Western world by developing psychoanalysis, a groundbreaking approach to understanding and treating mental health disorders. He also introduced concepts such as the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and the Oedipus complex that have had lasting influence on psychology, psychiatry, and popular culture. Freud's work helped pave the way for a deeper understanding of human behavior and the role of the mind in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and actions.