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Obedience to authority is the primary goal of all public administrators. We stand in long lines at the DMV, as part of a strategy towards controlling the subjects. While we stand in line we read Orwellian Propaganda such as "Driving is a privilege, not a right!" And all the while, no matter how wrong that idea might sound to some of us, we stand patiently in line waiting for our opportunity to grant jurisdiction to an administrative agency who has no legal authority over us until we willingly and willfully sign on the dotted line allowing this bureaucracy to herd us around like cattle. Psychology was a tremendous influence in creating this absurdity. We file tax returns to the IRS admitting to liability to revenue laws we've never even read because of conformity, another psychological experiment leading to better government control. We also file those returns out of fear, a huge psychological factor in controlling the people. We suffer all sorts of indignities at the hands of our public administrators because as we are suffering them we are also suffering from cognitive dissonance as we come to realize that all this stuff about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has nothing to do with the state of government today and we stand or sit in utter disbelief of the smug attitudes of "public servants" who assert that we are their to serve them.

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Vincent Hilpert

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2y ago
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10y ago

Psychology is important to public administration because it helps people to predict some outcomes of certain decisions in public administration. It will help managers to know the effect of certain kinds of motivation.

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9mo ago

Psychology and public administration intersect in the study of human behavior, decision-making, and organizational dynamics. Understanding psychological principles can help public administrators manage employees, address citizen needs, and improve service delivery. By applying psychological theories to the design and implementation of public policies, administrators can create more effective and responsive government programs.

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12y ago

It may be that, psychologically you are equipped with the means of how people think as so forth, so being in a business, the way organisations want to grab peoples attention and want them to be involved with their product is solely based on the idea of what exactly triggers a person's attention, and how psychologically they are able to remember certain aspects of the organisation.

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10y ago

The relationship between political science and public administration are that they both have to do with government. Political science has to do with the organization of the government and the study of political behavior. Public administration has to do with government policy and learning to work in public service as a civil servant.

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What is behaviouralism in public admistration?

Behavioralism in public administration refers to an approach that focuses on the behavior of individuals and groups within an organization to understand and improve administrative processes. It emphasizes the study of how people's behavior influences their decision-making, interactions, and performance in a bureaucratic setting. This approach aims to apply insights from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences to enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency in the public sector.

What is descriptive correlation method application?

If you mean what is a descriptive correlational design, it is a design which uses some form of correlation to describe the data, but does not seek to find whether it is a statistically significant relationship. e.g. I run a small pilot study with 10 people and record their age and whether they like tattoos (scaled from 1= no to 7 a lot), I get a negative correlation of 0.4. I use this descriptively to decide there is something to investigate, and then use an infernetial correlation with a better sized / more representative sample to see if there is a significant relationship between the two variables. D

What is pop psych psychology?

Pop psych, short for "popular psychology," refers to psychological concepts, theories, or advice that are simplified and presented in a way that is easily accessible to the general public. It often focuses on common psychological issues or self-help principles, but may lack depth or accuracy compared to academic psychology.

How did the magazine Psychology Today get its start?

Psychology Today was founded in 1967 by Nicholas Charney, a Canadian psychologist. It aimed to make psychology more accessible to the general public and provide information on mental health and behavior in a user-friendly format. The magazine quickly gained popularity and became a leading source of psychological information and advice.

Who is most responsible for the rather narrow view of psychology held by the majority of the population?

Media portrayal and dissemination of information play a significant role in shaping the public's perception of psychology. Sensationalized stories and misinformation in mainstream media often simplify complex psychological concepts, leading to a narrow understanding of the field. Additionally, societal stigma and lack of education on mental health contribute to misconceptions about psychology among the general population.

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The public administration and economics have a very complex relationship with one another. For instance, the public administration does the policies, which can either make or break the economy.

How can you analyze the relationship between public administration and other academic disciplines?

To analyze the relationship between the public administration and other academic disciplines you need to look at the roles that the two play. The academic disciplines help in the understanding of the various aspects of the public administration,

What The relationship between public administration and history?

Public administration is the management of people in government, non-profit and charity organizations. History can tell us a lot about what works and what doesn't work in public administration.

What is ecology of public administration?

The ecology of public administration shows the relationship between citizens and government policies. This is what will facilitate the implementation of government policies.

What is the relationship between management and the administration of the organisation?

management is to plan,formulate policies, coordinate activities while an administration is to implement the formulated policies by management.

What are the relationship between law public administration?

The law is in charge of working for the public. When the law is used, it is best used to help the people.

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The differences between Public Health and Public Administration is that public health administration is tailored towards professions in the medical areas such as hospitals, clinics, nursery homes, and therapy.

What is the Dichotomy of Public administration and political science?

The Politics Administration Dichotomy emphasizes that politics and administration are fundamentally different and should be approached as such. It states that public administration is a business field, and should be kept out of the sphere of politics.

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Public relations involves the spread of information between a company and the public. Public administration refers to government policies being implemented.


Public administration and political science are closely connected fields that both study the structure, functioning, and behavior of government and public institutions. Political science provides the theoretical foundation and analysis of political systems, policies, and decision-making processes, while public administration focuses on the practical implementation and management of policies within government agencies. The relationship between the two disciplines helps to ensure effective governance and policy outcomes.

What is the difference between a Ph.D in public administration and doctor of public administration?

Once you complete a PhD you become a Doctor of that subject.