Well, isn't that an interesting question! There isn't a specific phobia name for the fear of tomatoes, but it's okay to have fears of certain things. Just like painting, facing our fears can help us grow and overcome them. Remember, there's always a happy little tomato waiting to be your friend.
The fear of the number 21 is known as "victrionophobia."
A phobia is a clinical description of a set of specific symptoms related to anxiety disorders. There are, clinically speaking, very few of them. There may be one for exercise anxiety, but we are not aware of it and it seems rather unlikely.
Actually, there is a name for the fear of gnomes. It is gnomophobia. Though it is not as yet a recognized condition by organizations such as the APA, it does exist and has a name. It is actually not an uncommon phobia with sufferers reporting night terrors and other such problems regarding their fears. Many people suffer this phobia such as Shane (snakeskin) Robertson. He has a rash fear of garden knomes and reacts such as running in the night, sleepless night, and urinating in his pants.
Answer 1There is no official medically recognised phobia of jail. However there are similar phobias:Cleithrophobia - Fear of being locked in a small, enclosed spaceClaustrophobia - Fear of small, enclosed spacesIsolophobia - Fear of being isolatedMonophobia - Fear of being aloneDikephobia - Fear of justice._________________________________________________Answer 2There is no official phobia. But the root of the word is in latin, so the translation could be, if the phobia was officially recognised, 'carcerephobia' as 'carcere' is jail and 'phobia' is fear.
Lachanophobia is a fear of vegetables but I think tomatoes count as fruit?
There is no official phobia name for the fear of vipers. However the official phobia name for the fear of snakes is ophidiophobia.
The phobia name for the fear of monkeys is Cynophobia.
There is no name for fear of olives, but lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
Hylephobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of materialism
Ballistophobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of missiles
Limnophobia is the name of the phobia associated with the fear of lakes
Traumatophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of injury
Ideophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of ideas
Patroiophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of heredity
Phasmophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of ghosts
Geliophobia is the name of the phobia associated with the fear of laughter