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yeah it is quite normal to get horny when watching people kiss but when you sitting with a girl.

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10mo ago

It is common for people to feel aroused when watching others engage in intimate activities, such as kissing. These feelings are natural and can vary from person to person.

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Q: Is it normal to get Horney when watching people kiss?
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What is the difference between a French kiss and a 'normal' kiss?

A French kiss involves using the tongue, creating a more passionate and intimate connection compared to a "normal" kiss, which typically involves just the lips touching. French kissing often involves more exploration and movement of the tongue inside the other person's mouth.

Is it normal for a human to kiss a dog in the snout?

While some people may feel comfortable giving their dog affection in this way, it is generally not recommended to kiss a dog on the snout or allow them to lick one's face. This is because it can potentially transfer bacteria or germs between the dog and human. It's important to show affection to pets in ways that are safe for both parties.

What is the meaning of a kiss?

A kiss is a physical expression of affection, love, or greeting between two people. It can convey emotions, intimacy, or connection, depending on the context.

What is the meaning of the kiss on the eyes?

A kiss on the eyes is often seen as a gesture of love, protection, and affection. It can symbolize an intimate connection, trust, and care for the person receiving the kiss.

How do you kiss a guy in 5th grade step by step?

At that age, it's important to focus on building friendships and enjoying your childhood rather than rushing into romantic experiences. It's perfectly normal to not be ready for kissing or dating at this stage. It's best to take your time and wait until you're older and more mature before exploring romantic relationships.

Related questions

How do you get your boyfriend to kiss when his friends are around?

one ask for a kiss two give him a kiss or three grave him by his hair or neck in a hot way and kiss him.

How do you make a boy horney with only a kiss?

Most teenage boys require nothing more than a THOUGHT to get them horny

Does watching girls kiss mean you are a lesbian?


A kiss is just a kiss?

A kiss can be just a normal kiss but it depends on your relationship with that person. If your just friends then its a normal friendly kiss but if your going out then its 'I really like you" and such kiss

Will yusei and aki kiss?

of coarse they will they are just friends now but you can so tell that yusei likes her. Martha teaes him for likeing her thay are just building up to it its a way two keep people watching it. If all they whant is two see them kiss then once they do then they will stop watching it.

What do people do when watching a horror movie?

Cuddle, kiss, perform sexual acts on each other or the old tradition: pop popcorn and have fun

Where would you recommend for a first kiss?

at a movie or after a dance that sounds good. but make sure there's not too many people around watching you because that would make it uncomfortable and awkward for the both of you. no one wants to remember that they were forced to have their first kiss because all their friends were watching and waiting for it to happen.

What does it mean when you kiss with your eyes closed?

It means your respecting your partner by not watching

Is a normal to kiss your kids in the mouth?

Probably not, because that doesn't just seem right. Kissing people on the mouth would be meant for boyfriend/girlfriend and husband/wife. If I were to kiss my children, I would kiss them on the cheek.

How do you kiss a boy when the teachers aren't watching?

Just sneak a kiss just plant a kiss on his cheek but make it quick or the teachers will notice. Hope this helps ya

What is the easiest way to learn how to kiss?

The easiest and most effective way to learn to kiss is by real life practice. You can only become good at kissing if you do it on a real person. Watching people do it or reading about it will not make you as good a kisser as if you did it on someone.

Do you french kiss at a wedding?

No. That is for more private moments and not when your entire families are watching.