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Yes, all witchcraft is condemned by god.

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things are detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 18:10-13

No matter what other arguements anyone possibly has (use it for good, etc.) The Bible is clear, and if you believe the bible is the word of god and it has a very very clear statement about this being a sin, then you must believe it is a sin.


I disagree. Just think about it. Is it wrong to expand your psychic abilities ? As long as you don't use your telekinesis abilities against other living creatures it's not bad.


If the "Sorcery" is evil, I would use it on behalf of god. Jesus the son did many "magical" things, he could heal people, he cured a blind man for his sake. I believe in the bible and all of gods laws, but anything in the bible against use of "magic" is wrong. Jesus used it himself, and we aren't so different from Jesus, we can all have the power, that is what his mission was. Everyone is equal in the eyes of god, he or she him/herself is the same as any one of us. If one son could do it anybody can, that is god's law, I believe.


Telekinesis is not witchcraft. While its easy to stick any old thing in the list of magical abominations, telekinesis does not happen by the calling of spirits. The other things in the list of abominations do via divinity (medium), mind-altering substances (sorcery), divination (oracle,spiritualist) and so on. While those warnings appear frequently throughout the Bible, the point being made is not to speak with the dead, alter your mind by the use of drugs or potioins, or in any way engage in any act that takes your attention away from Christ. We all have these abilities programmed in, which is why we are warned not to use them. Telekinesis is never mentioned in scripture. Making it guilty by association is wrong. Just like Christians (and I am one) who totally twists what the Bible says about sex.


No.. Like is said above me, Telekenisis is not witchcraft. Witchraft is using magic, magic is using something unexplainable by natural laws. Telekenisis goes perfectly with all, just not not a whole lot of people know that. It follows everything as much as my moving my hand, only it so in a different fashion; is it a sin for my to be moving my hands right now? No.. 'tis not. And ify ou think about it, the movement, or even existence of your hand is completely impossible, defying everything.. yet it still is, correct? Which renders these laws rather... having to be rethought. If I am incorrect, tell me how.


Anything that exalts itself above the name of the Lord our God is an idol and is sin. It is human carnal nature to desire to have have extra powers like telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, astral projection even teleportation. We all want to be like the Xmen or the Justice League with super powers but God gave us His Word (the bible which was manifested in His Son Jesus Christ) and laws for our protection. The only supernatural thing we should be doing is what the Holy Spirit imparts to us. This is how Jesus was able to heal the sick, feed the 5000, walk on water, deliver people from demons and raise the dead back to life. Jesus did not perform magical tricks like one person here said. Jesus performed miracles through the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit and ONLY through the Holy Spirit. This is where people become unstuck and are quite deluded when they say they will use their magical powers for Gods work. I tell you, if you are performing magical tricks outside of and without the power or leading of the Holy Spirit then you are performing them through demons. By doing so, you are giving yourself over to demons and are worshipping them which is idolatory. Read your bible again VERY CAREFULLY.


As the other editor has been currently saying if you use your abilitys for the sake of the Holy Spirit you should be clean. You should practice using it in this manner or as every human the power or ability shall corrupt you and it is then you should stop.


Telekinesis itself is not a sin. Witchcraft is a sin. If telekinesis could be achieved through some unknown property of gravity, magnetics, or the human mind, then go for it. The same goes for any other superhuman abilities, such as mind-reading, levitation, etc., as long as they are accomplished naturally and not by the use of demonic power. As far as I know, science has not discovered a way to do any of this, so we'll just have to settle for walking to the fridge to get a drink.

A9: when i was a kid, i didn't know I had clairvoyance unintensionally I tell stuffs. Since i was high school, i didn't know it became stronger. I was innocent at that time.. So do you mean I am evil because I had these gifts? What should I do to make it stop? do i have to stop because it's evil? Until now i can't deny I can still feel I have this energy every time I massage my mom , does it make it evil? I didn't worship to the devil for this. I'm a Christian and my father is a pastor. I always pray to God what abilities do i have and why? I can't make something go away that the Father just gave me , like a love one, my son, or my family?.. I am so confused right now because I love to cherish the gifts and blessings that i am having. I am so confused that it made my innocence fade away. I read the all the sources that even clairvoyance is wrong, and I prayed to God that I don't want it anymore because everynight I have dreams of events and nightmares, and thankfully after I prayed it was gone.. Rarely i dream events but not as always as before. So what should you do in my place??

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1y ago
No it is not a sin to use Telekinesis, if done through the Holy spirit. Matt17.5 jesus says if you beleieve you an throw trees.
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9mo ago

The use of telekinesis is not explicitly addressed in the Bible, so it is not explicitly considered a sin for a Christian to use telekinesis. However, Christians are encouraged to be discerning and cautious about engaging in activities that could lead them away from their faith or rely on powers other than God.

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What is another word for psychokinesis?

Another word for psychokinesis is telekinesis. A phrase that depicts both words clearly is "mind over matter", which is to say the control of material objects with the power of the mind.

Can telekinesis move the smoke?

There's a great deal that science is only beginning to grasp fairly without denial and prejudice, and telekinesis is among them. The human mind is capable of vastly more than we are taught in school, as remarkable events such as ghosts and precognition demonstrate. We are in a learning phase here, and would be premature to make final statements about things we scarcely know. Open minds and more research will reveal new wonders. I, personally, answer your question with YES.

Is it OK for Christians to go to therapy and not a sin?

Yes, it is absolutely acceptable for Christians to seek therapy for mental health concerns. In fact, many Christian leaders and denominations encourage the use of therapy as a means to address emotional and psychological issues. Taking care of one's mental well-being is important for overall health and can be viewed as a form of self-care.

Consequence of lying?

Lying can damage trust between individuals, causing strain in relationships and potentially leading to conflict. Over time, lying can erode credibility and integrity, impacting personal and professional reputation.

Is nudism a sin?

Nudism is not inherently a sin, as beliefs around nudity can vary greatly among different cultures and religions. It is important to consider the context and intention behind nudism practices, as well as to respect the boundaries and comfort levels of others. Ultimately, whether nudism is considered a sin or not can depend on individual beliefs and cultural norms.

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If they are a Christian, yes!

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I believe that telekinesis is under the skill Illusion, so level that up a bit and look around for spells that are or are similar to telekinesis.

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The character in the movie had the ability of telekinesis, allowing him to move objects with his mind.

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No, if you are a Christian, you believe God will forgive you of every sin you commit if you are willing to repent, confess your sin, and forsake the sin you committed. Allah has no part in the Christian religion.

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The christian church blieves that all have sin, it also believes the wages of sin is death. And that sin was washed with the blood of christ on the cross for all mankind.

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