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Q: If a person believe that dreams have hidden meanings he or she would agree with Freud's idea about content?
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What does dreams video mean?

Dreams video could have several meanings. There are many videos about dreams and the meanings behind dreams on youtube for example. There is a also a wedding and event photography company named Video Dreams Productions.

Is the meaning of your dreams true?

Some people like to believe that their dreams have a meaning that is true. However, dreams are very personal and will only have meaning if you think they do. There are many dream dictionaries which can explain the symbology of the things in the dream, but they are not definitive meanings to what the dream was about.

The manifest content of a dream is?

The question refers to Freud's theory of dreams. The manifest content is the surface or visible meaning while the latent content would be the secret or hidden meaning. For example, in a dream about threading a needle, the manifest content would be sewing, perhaps reflecting the dreamer's work as a tailor. The latent content (particularly for Freud) would be a sexual urge with the thread and eye of the needle representing male and female sex organs.

Are dreams messages from God?

Not all dreams. Some dreams are just things you imagine in your head. Some dreams have meanings. Some come from God. And some are just things you imagine in your head.

Who posited the notion that the displacement condensation and the manifest and latent content of dreams might affect art?

The theory of manifest and latent content of dreams originated with Freud.

What do Catholics believe about dreams in terms of Analysis?

Dreams are the product of the imagination of the sleeping mind and do not foretell the future.

What type of content arethe unconscious wishes and thoughts expressed symbolically in your dreams?

Latent Content

When your dreams will come true?

Your dreams will come true but if you only believe in them.

Can dreams tell the future-?

No, dreams are just your subconscious. There is nothing mystical or supernatural about them.

What phobia is the fear of dreams?

The phobia related to the intense fear of dreams is known as Oneirophobia. See Web Links for a complete list of all fobias and their meanings

Dream of dead people?

The question does not provide enough information for a meaningful interpretation. Dreams of beloved deceased grandparents would have very different meanings from dreams of gruesome corpses or of dead celebrities or war casualties. See the link below for more examples and discussion.

How do you reach your dreams?

Believe in yourself and your dreams, then work hard to achieve your goals.