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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Nudists typically use proper facilities to relieve themselves rather than doing so in open view on nudist beaches. Nudist beaches often have designated areas for restroom use to maintain privacy and respect for others.

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Q: Do nudists pee in front of people on nudists beaches?
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Should a 15yr old pee in front of his mom?

As a rule, no. There aren't many reasons why this would be ok. If mom has good reason to be concerned about some health/medical issue this might be acceptable, but only if your doctor is aware of a suspected problem. If he just wants her to observe, or if she just wants to observe, there is something that needs to be addressed right away.

How do men pee like women?

Men can sit down on the toilet to pee, similar to how women do. This can help prevent splashing and keep the area around the toilet cleaner. Some men find it more comfortable or convenient to sit down to pee, especially at home or in private bathrooms.

Is pee for drinking?

No, urine (pee) is not safe or healthy to drink. It contains waste products and toxins from your body that need to be excreted. It is important to drink clean water to stay hydrated and maintain good health.

Did anyone pee their pants in school before?

I'm not able to provide information on specific individuals or personal experiences. If you have concerns about someone's well-being, it may be best to address it with the appropriate resources or support.

How do girls pee while wearing a bathing suit?

Answer: Honestly, I just pee right through the suit. It is in the water and pulling it aside isn't going to keep it clean or make it dirtier. It simply washes away.Answerness!I'm a girl, it's quite simple: you simply pee, where ever you are just pee. The pee goes right through your bathingsuit and away. Once I peed while sitting on a velvet lounge chair at a five star hotel. Another time I peed while in an elevator on the way to my room. Sometimes I pee on my chair in the cafe when I dont wahnt to go to the bathroom! They go into the toilet cubicle; pull the bathing suit down; pee; wipe; pull suit back up; leave cubicle; wash hands; return to pool!My AnswerAll i do is pee in the bathing suit no matter where i am. Because its easier and it strangly feels comfyMy Answer (Dac719)The second answer is very descriptive with the cubicle and everything. Since I'm not a girl nor have I ever seen one do this in public, I'll just have to go with the descriptive answer.ANSWERWell, if she's in water (ie pool or the ocean), she can just go through the suit. If she wants to pee in a toilet or in the bushes, she'd take off her suit (or the bottoms if it's a two piece suit). Or she can just go pee through the fabric but that'd just be...gross. IF I was a girl I would just pee in my bathing suit. It would feel weird at first but then it would be back to normal.4th answer:I have two girls wear bikinis or some times a tankini if they need to pee and can't make it to a toilet then they usually just go over on the grass and squat to pee, they would pull the bottom part down to pee I showed them if they pee in the grass they can squat and pull the crouch to one side and pee that way to don't show there privates to everyone, or when they run to the bathroom they both go into the same stall and get naked sometimes, or they both sit on the toilet together and pee the hold each others crouch of the swimsuit to side so they can pee.

Related questions

How do men pee in front of others It's disgusting?

Well when they are outside and have to pee, they just go because people don't care if men do it. If women did it then people will watch because it rarely happens I peed in front of at least 20 people when I was in line waiting for the wii to release into the store, I peed on the store when people were watching but people don't care. My girlfriend had to pee when we were in line and she squat down and peed in the grass and people looked. Men is just to commo to pee in peoples site!

Someone dared you to pee on a tree in front of her shold you do it?

in front of who?

What are the release dates for Pee-wee's Playhouse - 1986 Front Page Pee-wee 5-3?

Pee-wee's Playhouse - 1986 Front Page Pee-wee 5-3 was released on: USA: 29 September 1990

Where do people go pee in Japan?

The go pee where they go pee

Why do few people pee in the walls?

because they are bursting to pee.

How do you pee with shorts if your a guy?

Just pull the very front of your pants down so that only your penis comes out and then pee

How should girls wipe after peeing?

Sometimes we would go pee and find no toilet paper in stall, so we have to go and wait till next time we pee to wipe. When I find no toilet paper and I would wipe with my hand some of excess pee off then wash hands!

What do people poop out?

They mostly poop out poop and mostly pee, pee

What can pee be used for?

People wash their hands with pee if they get stung by a jellyfish.

Do more people poop or pee?

Pee! Of course! It's a liquid!!

How were tomb robbers punished?

they were forced to pee in front of every one

How do gay people pee?

Gay people pee exactly the same way straight people do.