People who are alway's on the move because they run out of food and they didn't know how too farm back then.
Hunter gatherers.
No, that was in the Neolithic era
Paleolithic,Mesolithic,and neolithic.
Paleolithic people were nomads, meaning they moved from place to place in search of food and resources. They did not have permanent settlements and followed the natural migration patterns of animals for hunting and gathering.
Follow animal migrations and vegetation cycles
They were different because in the paleolithic age people did simpler things and were nomads but in the neolithic age people weren't nomads and started farming, trading and building shelters.
at first historians were not sure but now they think that nomads from the paleolithic era may have started it
yes they did they usually lived in 20-60 people to make the hunting for safe.
During the Paleolithic Era, people were nomads and Paleolithic was known as old stone age. People were nomads in which they moved from place to place in search of food and shelter. They also made simple tools using bone, wood, and stone. They use fire and make clothes from animal skin (hide). Women also gathered berries and Men hunt for buffalo. They love in groups of 15-20 people.
well not exactly Paleolithic people were nomads. They travel from place, to place. They usually travel in groups of 30 because it makes it safer and made the search for food A LOT easier.