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It was so intended by the founding fathers to insure against a rush to judgement.

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Q: Why does the separation of powers often delay decision-making?
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Do lawyers have standing in the legislative branch since they form the judicial branch or is this a violation of the separation of power in government?

Lawyers are often neither a part of each branch, so there is no violation of separation of powers.

Which of the following are traits of a representative democracy?

Free elections Separation of powers

What is the purpose of separation of powers and checks and balances in the government?

The separation of powers, also known as trias politica, is a model for the governance of democratic states. The model was first developed in ancient Greece and came into widespread use by the Roman Republic as part of the uncodified Constitution of the Roman Republic. Under this model, the state is divided into branches or estates, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility. The normal division of estates is into an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary.The opposite of separation of powers is the fusion of powers, often a feature of parliamentary democracies. In this form, the executive, which often consists of a prime minister and cabinet ("government"), is drawn from the legislature (parliament). This is the principle of responsible government. Although the legislative and executive branches are connected in parliamentary systems, there is often an independent judiciary. Also, the government's role in the parliament does not give them unlimited legislative influence.

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France is a Christian land. Historically, France was a Roman Catholic State although it often aligned with Protestant Powers. Currently, France practices laïcité or a strong separation between church and state. This separation is so strong that some have mockingly called France an Atheist State.

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Well, no. It can only do it once.

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There are quite a few ways to explain to a supplier why there might be a delay in payment. The truth is often the best course of action.

Which type of powers does this quote refer to and why is this type often the source of debate?

Implied powers

What are traits of a representative democracy?

The traits include free elections and often a separation of powers between the executive and legislative functions.In the US, Congress and the President are elected separately. In other democracies, the executive, e.g. prime minister, is chosen from the elected legislators.

What type of philosopher baron de montesquieu is?

Baron de Montesquieu was a political philosopher known for his advocacy of the separation of powers in government, as outlined in his influential work "The Spirit of the Laws." He is often considered a philosopher of political theory and constitutionalism.

The principle called separation of powers is also known as the system of?

The principle known as "separation of powers" which is also referred to as "checks and balances" serves as testament to the brilliance and forethought of the drafters of the Constitution of the United States of America. By designing a tripartite federal government, (a federal government with three, coequal branches), the drafters bequeathed to their descendants the last, best hope for government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Assuming everything works as designed, the drafters created the governmental equivalent of rock, paper scissors.However, separation of powers does not operate or emerge in a vacuum. It is the result of a multi-layered design which includes the complimentary principle known as "division of powers."Division of powers is the often overlooked principle of dividing governmental power among the federal, state, and local governments. Keep in mind that the principle of separation of powers still applies within each level of government within the United States of America. Thus, an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch may be found at the federal level, at the state levels, and at the local levels of government.In sum, the complimentary principles known as "separation of powers" and "division of powers" operate and emerge in such a way as to prevent the concentration of governmental power from reaching the level at which significant harm may be done.To view a transcript of the Preamble as well as Articles I through VII of the Constitution of the United States of America, a transcript of the 1st through the 10th Amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights, and a transcript of the 11th through the 27th Amendments, access the links under Related Links, below.

Please explain the doctrine of 'separation of powers'?

The principle known as "separation of powers" which is also referred to as "checks and balances" serves as testament to the brilliance and forethought of the drafters of the Constitution of the United States of America. By designing a tripartite federal government, a federal government with three, coequal branches, the drafters bequeathed to their descendants the last, best hope for government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Assuming everything works as designed, the drafters created the governmental equivalent of rock, paper scissors.However, separation of powers does not operate or emerge in a vacuum. It is the result of a multi-layered design which includes the complimentary principle known as "division of powers."Division of powers is the often overlooked principle of dividing governmental power among the federal, state, and local governments. Keep in mind that the principle of separation of powers still applies within each level of government within the United States of America. Thus, an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch may be found at the federal level, at the state levels, and at the local levels of government.In sum, the complimentary principles known as "separation of powers" and "division of powers" operate and emerge in such a way as to lessen the chances that governmental power could be concentrated to a level at which significant harm may be done.To view a transcript of the Preamble as well as Articles I through VII of the Constitution of the United States of America, a transcript of the 1st through the 10th Amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights, and a transcript of the 11th through the 27th Amendments, access the links under Related Links, below.

Is the non delegation doctrine rooted in federalism policies?

Techinically, no. Federalism deals with the vertical structuring of power within the US government. Non-delegation doctrine is rooted in the Separation of Powers (5th grade civics on checks & balances). Separation of Powers and Federalism issues are often confused because Sep of Powers deals with horizontal separation of powers (i.e., what authority the legislature has that the executive or judicial do not) where Federalism deals with the vertical separation of powers (i.e., whether the Fed has the constitutional authority over a matter or if it is something that is purely a state issue). The non-delegation doctrine basically holds that the executive branch cannot perform legislative functions but there's a lot of grey area there... if you look at the Treasury Dept or the SEC (securities and exchange commission), for example, they both perform quasi-legislative functions but are part of the executive branch. The basic reason why these two executive agencies (and many more!) do not violate the non-delegation doctrine is due to the degree of oversight that Congress has over them and the role Congress plays in appointments and removals of key personnel within these organizations. I hope that answers your question.