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king Richard prince john were 3rd and 4th sons .two older brotners died under questionable circumstances.

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Q: Who were king Richard and prince john?
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Who is prince john of England?

Prince John, was King Richard the Lion Hearted's brother. After the crusade, King Richard was captured. So Prince John took the throne. He was cruel. Perhaps the story Robbin hood will help you remember. Prince John along with The Sheriff of Nottingham were the villains in this story.

Did Richard the lion heart pass inheritance down to king john.if yes what?

Yes. King Richard I passed the kingdom of England onto Prince John to inherit who became king after Richard I as Richard had no children of his own to be his heir so John was Richard's heir.

Who was the successor to the king in Robin Hood?

In the legend of Robin Hood, King Richard the Lionheart is succeeded by his brother, Prince John, who becomes King John.

What did King Richard 1 of England achieve in the Crusades?

Not a whole lot, but he seemed to enjoy doing it. Richard (the lionhearted) was a great warrior, but he was a lousy king. He was succeeded by his brother, prince John (the evil prince John of the Robin Hood legend), who was actually a much better king that his brother.

Who was King Richard from Robin Hood?

Prince John is the primary antagnoist in the Robin Hood stories. He is the youngest brother to King Richard I, the Lion-Hearted and became king in his own right in 1199. The story is that John overthrew Richard's justicar and claimed the throne as his own in 1191, thinking his brother would never return from the Crusades. It was during that time that he began taxing the people and persecuting anyone who was still loyal to Richard. This gave rise to Robin Hood and his band. The real story isn't far off, though John was never actually siuccessful in claiming the thron until Richard died on his own in 1199.

Who did King John replace as the King of England?

King John succeeded his brother King Richard (Richard the Lionheart) in 1199.

Who was the English king who signed magna carta?

King John, the brother of Richard I (Richard the Lionheart).

Did King John like King Richard?

As far as I know, King John and King Richard had no problems with each other when they were young.

Who were King John of England's brothers and sisters?

richard lionheart and william i don't know his title he died.

Who lead England during the third crusade?

King Richard I (the Lion Heart) was king of England during the Third Crusade, however he left England to be governed by his brother Prince John (later King John) while he was away in the Holy Land.

When did King John become king?

John became King in 1199 after his brother, King Richard I, died.

What happened when King John was excommunicated?

He became King after his brother Richard I died. As Richard I left no heirs John became King.