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The industrial revolution allowed through the use of machines and mechanization of craftsmanship the ability of an unskilled laborer to make a salable good. In the times before automation and mass production, the more qualified craftsman was able to sell his goods at a premium price. Interestingly without the use of advertising and marketing, goods of higher quality actually commanded a higher price. The more skilled craftsman commanded more money for the better made product. This created a stratification of social classes as the higher skilled worker was paid more per period of time working than the unskilled worker, and could afford nicer things, nicer living quarters etc.

Through mass production the quality of goods became more generic. An unskilled laborer could make the same product as a skilled laborer. The skill of the worker became less important as did the quality of the product. Now the skilled laborers with the different level of wealth that they accumulated became factory owners employing generic unskilled laborers. This had the potential real and imagined for the factory owners to drive down labor costs and lower wages based on the fact that more workers were available to do the job, no skill required. As labor costs plummeted, workers began to rally together for the express purpose of prioritizing their needs and rights, and this lead to the formation of unions. Obviously the focusing on needs isn't bad, but when it comes at the cost of the focus on quality of the goods it is an issue.

Unions (as with the welfare class now) found that they could control the outcome of elections through control of voting blocks of people. However as with any group leaders rise to the top. The leaders because of the power placed in their hands become corrupt. Now that isn't that all leaders have a natural tendency to become corrupt. But, the system itself attracts those with the ambition and thirst for power and as a scholar once said "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Unions "pool" portions of union dues as political contributions to help with the union's "general good". Many members of the union don't agre with the direction of these contributions but have no say once the funds are garnished. Unions in them selves are examples of socialist governed organizations.

In a socialist system there are still levels and stratification of wealth, the leaders of the political scene become the ruling and wealthy class and the workers through redistribution of wealth become more and more homogenized and less individualized. The political leaders need to rely on the wealthy for control and advice.

Now for a political rant, any time the government (whether it be elected officials or union leaders) needs become more important than the needs of the people, socialism exists. In 2010 the great American way is being jeopardised. The very things that made our country are slowly being whittled away, and the government is becoming the head of industry, head of the household etc.

I remember being a child in the early 70's and seeing pictures of hundreds of communist Chinese school children lining up for school, and they all looked the same, homogenized. In socialist as well as communist countries individual expressions and free thought are discouraged. The view of any thought other than the party line is discouraged. This doesn't too far from where we are now and where we are going. My own children wear uniforms in public school, the very things they told us were bad back then they have a list of reasons why now they are good and preferred. Scary

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13y ago

the anserw is when the industrial revolution came about they were all gay :)

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2y ago

Socialism did not exist during the Industrial Revolution (it means a worldwide classless stateless society). Capitalism did exist then, and it meant the brutal exploitation of millions of workers.

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Q: What were the similarities between socialism and capitalism during the Industrial Revolution?
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